This is Stormi from Books, Movies, Reviews. Oh my! I downgraded blogs because I wasn't using the other one as much and didn't need the extra expense. Hope you all will join me here!

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Blog Tour ~ Murder at the Loch


This review is part of a blog tour for this book and my honest opinion of this book.

Meet Ally dog lover, guesthouse owner and accidental detective, as she tackles her next case in the beautiful Scottish Highlands!

Recent retiree Ally McKinley has stepped out with her puppy Flora for a walk by the loch in the tiny village of Locharran, taking a break from running the cosiest little guesthouse in the Highlands. But Ally’s peace and quiet is sunk when she and Flora find the body of a mysterious woman floating in the water…

Before she knows it, Ally finds herself wading into the middle of a new investigation. Who was the mystery woman and why was she killed? Her enquiries take her all over the from the corner shop and the nearby hotel to the turreted castle, home of local earl Hamish Sinclair where preparations are underway for his upcoming – and much gossiped about – wedding.

The body in the loch soon has the rumour mills buzzing. But then Elena, the earl’s new bride, is also found poisoned to death the morning after her marriage! With two deaths to investigate, the police appear to suspect almost everyone in Locharran, even Ally herself…

Determined to uncover the truth and clear her name, Ally finds poison at the home of one of her suspects and thinks she might be on the right path to solving both murders. But with a killer on the loose in the Scottish Highlands, can Ally unravel the clues before the next person in a watery grave is her?

My thoughts:

This is the second book in the Ally McKinley series a cozy mystery set in Scotland. 

Ally owner of a B&B who is friends with Hamish the Earl is surprised to find out the Earl has decided to get married and to someone way younger than him. Almost immediately after their chat about this they discover the body of a young woman in the Loch. She is a stranger to town and soon it's found out that she was coming to Locharran to marry someone else in the village. 

Elena the earl's bride to be makes it safely to Locharran with her sister but after the wedding is found murdered. This young lady whom looks a lot like the woman found in the lake and was a stranger to the place makes this look like the first murder could have been a case of mistaken identity as some people didn't want the older Earl to get married as then he might have a baby with the younger lady and have an heir if it was a boy. One such suspect being the cousin of the earl who is looking forward to the day Hamish dies so he can be Earl. 

Ally who is friends with the Earl decides to try and figure out what happened because she feels bad for the Earl and the policeman in town also thinks it was convenient that she found the body at the loch and also was at the wedding where the Earl's new wife was murdered.

Okay so the mystery. I know this is a cozy mystery, but it's still a mystery and I felt that most of this story was more cozy than mystery. This will appeal to a lot of people as I know a lot of cozy readers and we all have things about them we like and for me it's the mystery. I just needed a bit more sleuthing and a bit less of Ally hanging out with Ross and everything else. I will say that even though I figured things out about the same time as Ally, it didn't really surprise me none. The author did get me with the motive though as I totally was surprised about that and is probably what gets this half a star more. I just wasn't grabbed by this mystery and it's the mystery that keeps me wanting to read the story.

I do like the characters in this story. I like Ally, Ross, Linda, Hamish, and all the others and I don't mind getting to know what is going on with them, I just need more mystery. I am curious to see how things will go from here with the Earl and well, you just have to read to find out, but I am interested.

Overall, I thought it was an okay book and think that others might enjoy it a bit more than I did but I still that it was a decent read.

3.5 stars

About Author:

Aged 18, Dee arrived in London from Scotland and typed her way round the West End for a couple of years before joining BOAC (forerunner of British Airways) in Passenger Services for 2 years and then as a stewardess for 8 years.

She has worked in Market Research, Sales and at the Thames TV Studios when they had the franchise.

Dee has since relocated to Cornwall, where she spent 10 years running B&Bs, and only began writing when she was over 70!

Married twice, she has one son and two grandsons.

Sign up to be the first to hear about new releases from Dee MacDonald here:

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Week in Review #114

How was your week? What did you get? The Week in Review is where I combine Stacking the Shelves, The Sunday Post and It's Monday! What are you reading?  If you have never joined in on these meme's you can check them out by clicking on the meme and it will take you to the host blog.

I can't believe it's already March!!! Where did February go?

Last week was a really nice week weather wise but I think we have some rain coming. It has been nice not having to get up in the middle of the night to mess with the fire to keep warm. We can do okay with blankets if the nights are 38 or higher but much cooler than that and I have to build a fire. Last night we had to have one...blah. I am so ready for steady warm weather especially at night, or at least a nice 45 at night. :)

Have a great week and happy reading!

What you might have missed on my blog

Review of Deep Midnight

Books I have added

  • The Secret Detective Agency - It's a historical mystery and about a super sleuth that works for the government. First in a series by the same name as this first book.
Books I Read

  • Tasmanian Tangle - I started out liking this one and then by halfway it went downhill. It was still entertaining but not as good as I hoped.
  • Murder in the Scottish Highlands - This was a decent start to a new series but the mystery was a bit easy for me to figure out. 
  • French Quarter Fright Night - This was enjoyable. It was the third book in the Vintage Cookbook series. Fun Halloween setting for those who might want to seasonally read, I am obviously not one of those

Currently Reading

Traded my romances for mysteries as it's March Mystery Madness and I am a co-host on Youtube. I will come back to my romances in April. :)
  • Berlin Game - Just started this one so only read a couple pages but it's a spy novel I believe.
  • The Black Ice - Second Harry Bosch book and I am about 4 chapters into it and it's okay so far. Page 34 of 426.
  • The Hovering Darkness - This is a romantic suspense from the 50s and only on page 8, but trying to get use to the style of writing. 
  • Murder at the Loch - Second book in the Ally McKinley series and okay so far. I am 32% into the ebook.
  • Physik - The third book in the Septimus Heap series and 6 chapters into the audiobook. It's okay.
  • You Have Gone Too Far - Third book in the County Kerry series, this is not a cozy mystery even though the author writes those. It's a gritty one and I am enjoying it so far. Around 25% into the audiobook.

How did your week go? Hope you had a great week!

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Two Bloggers One Series ~ Deep Midnight by Shannon Drake

I have been dragging Barb along on my pursuit to read all things Heather Graham (Shannon Drake) and this one might have been Once you see what I thought go on over to Booker T's Farm and see what Barb thought of this one!

The Hour When Dreams Turn Into Nightmares...

An opulent Carnivale ball in Venice takes a terrifying turn for book critic Jordan Riley. As festivity turns into frenzy, she is rescued by a powerful man disguised as a wolf. But was what she witnessed really just the evening's entertainment--or something far more sinister?

...And Pleasure Beckons From Beyond

From a de-consecrated church in Venice to a secret society in New Orleans, Jordan is led on a nightmare journey to the razor's edge of reality. Her mysterious savior is always a shadow behind her. A man whose closeness will both torment and tantalize her as darkness falls--and an eternal hunger threatens to consume her.

This is the third book in the Alliance Vampire series and although I did want to see what happened to Ragnar (I think that was his name) a vampire mentioned from the previous books I thought this book was just to much like the second book. 

Jordan is with her cousin and his wife in Venice to check out Carnivale when Jordan ends up in the wrong place at the wrong time and witnesses something horrific and was saved by a man dressed as a wolf. Nobody will believe her when she tries telling them that something horrible happened especially because it was at the Contessa's and she is rich and powerful around the area.

Bad things are happening all around Jordan but Ragnar is always around to make sure she doesn't get into to much trouble, especially because the wrong people know about her and don't want her to live. Her cousin is mad because he is trying to get in with the Contessa and something strange is happening to his wife. 

This really just felt like book two with different characters which is a bummer because I wanted a cool story about Ragnar and all I got was a mediocre one. It took forever for the people from the previous books to come into the picture which is then when it started to pick up a bit as they are the ones to go after the bad vampires.

It did have an interesting surprise twist at the end that I didn't see coming that I thought was pretty cool but other than that this was just an average read. Hope the next book is better!! 

3 stars

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Week in Review #113

How was your week? What did you get? The Week in Review is where I combine Stacking the Shelves, The Sunday Post and It's Monday! What are you reading?  If you have never joined in on these meme's you can check them out by clicking on the meme and it will take you to the host blog.

It has been a very cold week with negative temps and 6 inches of snow and I have not been a happy camper but survived the week and now the temps are back to where I prefer them for my winters, in the 40s and 50s. :)

Since I was stuck at home I watched a lot of movies. I watched Back in Action a new action comedy with Jamie Fox and Cameron Dias and it wasn't to bad, cheesy fun. The Silencing, a drama/thriller, it wasn't to bad but a tad slow in parts. Dawn of the Beast which was a bigfoot movie with Wendigos and other creatures and was okay but rather busy. Tank, a movie staring James Gardner that I use to love watching when I was younger so that was fun!
I resubscribed to AcornTV to catch up on some shows I like there, so currently watching Darby and Joan as it has a new season I need to watch. :)

Books I have added


Books I Read

  • Flyte - The second book in the Septimus Heap series and it was just okay. Had some fun things but overall not a lot really happened to move the story along.
  • Eclair and Present Danger - reread for a readalong and still fun. I love the idea of an Emergency Dessert
  • Fireborn - First in the Fireborn series and a pretty decent fantasy. 
Currently Reading

  • The Pirate Vixen - I read a little bit on this one but still a long ways from finishing. It's not bad but a bit of drama. Page 202 of 590.
  • Tasmanian Tangle - I should finish this one this week. It's not the best, it started out okay but second half not so good. Page 144 of 190. 
  • Cinderella After Midnight - Just started this one so not far into it but its okay so far. Page 24 of 192.
  • Black Horse Tavern - Another one I just started. It's a gothic and so far it's not bad. Page 34 of 220. 
  • French Quarter Fright Night - Third book in the Vintage Cookbook mystery series. 20% into the audiobook.

How did your week go? Hope you had a great week!

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Week in Review #112


How was your week? What did you get? The Week in Review is where I combine Stacking the Shelves, The Sunday Post and It's Monday! What are you reading?  If you have never joined in on these meme's you can check them out by clicking on the meme and it will take you to the host blog.

I feel as if February is getting away from me! Where did the first part of it go? 

I am so over winter! This week is going to be very cold and there could be snow and I am so tired of stacking wood on the porch getting ready for it. 

Don't really have much to chat about so hope everyone has a great week!

Books I have added


Books I Read

  • Lon Po Po - A picture book about a Chinese Red Riding Hood for a readathon called Folklore February. It was different.
  • The Mitten - A picture book of a Ukrainian folklore and it has great illustrations but was weird.
  • World of Mouse - A cute middle grade book about a mouse named Isaiah and his adventures. 
  • Caroline's Waterloo - I finished one of my print books for my Retro Romance Readathon. I liked it though the male character could be a bit hard to take at times. 
  • It's In His Kiss - The seventh book in the Bridgerton series and I really enjoyed it! Only one more to go! :) 

Currently Reading

  • Pirates Vixen - I didn't actually read on this one this week. Need to do that though as I do want to make more progress in it as it's a long one!
  • Tasmanian Tangle - This one I added this week after finishing Caroline's Waterloo, but I am not sure about it as the two main characters really don't like each other and not sure if I want to read a whole book like that so guess you will see if I am still reading it next week or I am on page 32 of 190.
  • Touch Not the Cat - This one is moving really slow, I haven't ever read a gothic romance before so not sure what to think of it yet. I am on page 72 of 302.
  • Ghost Walk - I am enjoying this one so far. Reading this on ebook and about 26% into it. 
  • Flyte - Second book in the Septimus Heap series and so far it's okay. Kind of strange. I am 52% into the audiobook.

How did your week go? Hope you had a great week!

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Feed Your TBR #6

t's time to FEED YOUR TBR and I have a couple books you might find interesting!! I am curious about these books though I may not be anticipating them. These picks are almost out so not a lot of waiting involved.  (Feed Your TBR is my version of Waiting on Wednesday now hosted by Wishful Endings)

Middle Grade

Sometimes even a girl who likes to rely only on herself needs to be brave enough to ask for help.

When a super-storm hits Addy's remote mountain town, knocking out the bridge and cutting her home off from the main road, she worries that she won’t be able to get to the survival camp she’s been looking forward to attending. The camp’s the place where her parents met, and where Addy plans to hone her skills and honor their legacy. But now there’s no power and it’s also like a light has been switched off in her mom, who’s been triggered by the raging river and memories of Addy’s dad dying in a similar storm. The two of them are feeling particularly stranded as they’ve never bothered to befriend any neighbors. But now Addy keeps running into her classmate Caleb on the hill above her house where they both go to get cell service. 

Caleb’s frantic about a missing neighbor, and Addy’s amazed to see how he’s able to connect with folks to get help. Then Caleb offers to help her get to camp--but can she trust him? She always thought of him as an enemy--but maybe she was partially to blame for his frostiness? The storm has brought so many questions swirling to the surface and has made Addy feel it’s time to take some leaps of faith. When she agrees to travel with Caleb by canoe, this sets off a remarkable string of events and the biggest test of her survival skills. More importantly, it sets Addy on a road to understanding that she's not in this adventure of life alone--and that a good thing.

Not heard of this author but this sounds like it could be an interesting contemporary middle grade. I don't read a lot of them but now and then one sounds good. This comes out May 13th from Penguin Young Readers.


Soaring temperatures and a giant jigsaw puzzle combine to form a picture of murder . . .

It’s a blistering hot summer in Sun City West, and members of the retirement community are happy to escape into the air-conditioned bliss of the library to work on a mammoth forty-thousand-piece jigsaw puzzle. But things begin heating up inside, too, when members clash with the domineering head of the puzzle committee over which puzzle to solve—until someone settles the matter by killing her. Now it’s up to Sophie “Phee” Kimball to put all the pieces of the murder plot together and catch the culprit responsible.

Any number of the jigsaw aficionados could have wanted the victim out of the picture for her personality alone, but Phee suspects there was a more sinister motive behind the murder. Then the chosen puzzle and the library itself are struck by one instance of sabotage after another, and Phee’s convinced that someone is sending a menacing message. But just as she unearths a telling clue and slots it into place, she finds herself in a race against time to finish the puzzle and solve the case—before the killer goes to pieces and finishes her off too . . .

One of my favorite series! I have gotten behind on this series and need to catch up but couldn't help butting this one on here because look at that cover! Streetman is so adorable!! This comes out February 25th from Beyond the Page.

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Week in Review #111


How was your week? What did you get? The Week in Review is where I combine Stacking the Shelves, The Sunday Post and It's Monday! What are you reading?  If you have never joined in on these meme's you can check them out by clicking on the meme and it will take you to the host blog.

February has started off busy and I haven't hardly had time to read anything and it sucks. Hopefully this coming week will be nicer to me.

It is going to get colder and nasty so that might keep me inside so I can read, but I am so over winter and want nicer temps. I am not in a hurry for Spring because it brings tornados but I do want warmer spring like weather!!!

Have a great week and happy reading!

What you might have missed on my blog

Feed Your TBR
Review of Proven Guilty

Books I have added


Books I Read

  • The Darke Toad - This was a novella in the Septimus Heap series. The lady I am buddy Reading this series wanted to read 1.5 before going to the second book. It was okay.
  • Deep Midnight - This is the third book in the Alliance Vampire series and was okay.

Currently Reading

Reading a lot but not getting a lot finished!!
  • Lost and Gone Forever - I have worked on this one lately because February is my Retro Romance Readathon so concentrating more on the romances you see there. 
  • The Pirate's Vixen - I am enjoying this one fine but it's a chunky romance so lets see how I feel once I get more than Right now I am on page 187 of 590. 
  • Touch Not the Cat - Just started this one so not far into it but right now it's not real interesting. I haven't read many gothic romances so hopefully it picks up. I am on page 35 of 302.
  • Caroline's Waterloo - This one is interesting. With a lot of these older romances it's got a pretty huge age gap. He is forty and I am guessing she is in her early twenties. He is a bit stuffy and it's hard to tell this is a It's entertaining though.
  • Ghost Walk - I haven't read a lot of this one, but need to make headway on it this week.

How did your week go? Hope you had a great week!

Blog Tour ~ Murder at the Loch

  This review is part of a blog tour for this book and my honest opinion of this book. Meet Ally dog lover, guesthouse owner and accidental ...