This is Stormi from Books, Movies, Reviews. Oh my! I downgraded blogs because I wasn't using the other one as much and didn't need the extra expense. Hope you all will join me here!

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Week in Review #110

How was your week? What did you get? The Week in Review is where I combine Stacking the Shelves, The Sunday Post and It's Monday! What are you reading?  If you have never joined in on these meme's you can check them out by clicking on the meme and it will take you to the host blog.

Well, it's been a couple weeks since I did a week in review, the first week I just plain forgot but last week I had a very good excuse as my father was in the hospital with pneumonia and didn't get to come home till Sunday and I wasn't thinking about bookish things much as I had to go visit him, stack wood, gather it in the house, etc. as last week was very cold. Thank goodness he came home last Sunday and has been doing pretty good, still gets tired easily but he is definitely better.

Hope everyone is surviving the cold and that it's warming up for you. We are getting a bit warmer thank goodness. I am so ready for spring!!

Hope everyone has a great week and reads a great book! :)

What you might have missed on my blog

Feed Your TBR
Review of Sniffing Out Murder

Books I have added


Books I Read

  • Murder in the Book Lover's Loft - The final book of the Book Retreat series and I have mixed feelings about it but at least I finished a series.
  • Sniffing Out Murder - First book in the Bailey the Bloodhound series and it was fun and a decent start to a series.
  • The Incident of the Book in the Nighttime - The latest book in the Sherlock Holmes Bookshop series and one of my favorite series! This was just delightful and fun!
  • Murder With Puffins - The second book in the Meg Langslow series and I just don't know about this series, this one was better than book one but still not totally sold on the series. It's so popular though and I want to like it! :) 

Currently Reading

  • Lost and Gone Forever - Last book in the Scotland Yard Murder Squad and been meaning to finish this series for a while now. This book though is just very different than the other ones. On page 119 of  375. 
  • Came a Spider - One of my retro suspense novels and it's been a wild On page 150 of 246 pages. 
  • The Pirate's Vixen - A retro romance that I don't think needs to be 590 pages!! I am only around 160 pages into it so I will be reading this one a 
  • Proven Guilty - Continuing the Dresden File relisten and enjoying it. I am about 34% into the audiobook. 
The three print books will take me a while to read and probably been shown on here a lot. Trying to work more on reading my own books, imagine I have all sorts of fun older book I want to read but reading with my eyes is slow going with that small print and bad eyes. :) 

How did your week go? Hope you had a great week!


  1. I'm glad your dad is ok! Pneumonia can be scary😬 Have a good week and good luck with those print books😁

  2. Glad your dad is home and feeling better. Stay warm and enjoy your books!

  3. I hope your dad's feeling better! And has the weather been awful or what? It's been so cold here, and sounds like it has been there too!

    Ooh I haven't read an Ellery Adams in aGES


Feed Your TBR! #7

It' s time to FEED YOUR TBR and I have a couple books you might find interesting!! I am curious about these books though I may not be an...