This is Stormi from Books, Movies, Reviews. Oh my! I downgraded blogs because I wasn't using the other one as much and didn't need the extra expense. Hope you all will join me here!

Thursday, May 18, 2023

Two Bloggers One Book ~ The Only Survivors

Barb and I are trying to buddy read more Thrillers and we haven't had very many hits so far with them. Once you see what I thought go on over and see what Barb thought at Booker T's Reviews.

A mystery about a group of former classmates who reunite to mark the tenth anniversary of a tragic accident—only to have one of the survivors disappear, casting fear and suspicion on the original tragedy.

This is my first time reading a book by this author and I will say I wasn't that impressed. I was bored. That short little blurb above pretty much sums up what the book is and sounded interesting but it wasn't. 

There is the POV of Cassie which is the main one and then there is the POV of the other classmates but only during the Before sections. In those sections it is a count down of hours till the reader gets to the final hour of what happened when their van crashed and we find out why it happened.

In Cassie's POV you learn that she isn't really friends with any of them so doesn't know really who to trust. After what happened and they made the pact, she did become close to Ian but not real close. You learn that a year after what happens a girl from their group commits suicide and then before they meet again this time Ian is dead. So they are already down two of the originals and when they arrive they find out that another one of them is missing (can't rememver her name). 

So basically Cassie is trying to figure out what is going on as she received some weird messages and finds Ian's phone and finds out she had been getting these messages from his phone, so what really happened to him. Who do she trust? All that stuff.

So I think I just am not a fan of these types of thrillers where they all gather together and something happens and they have to figure out what is going on. It's just boring, I really didn't care. I was slightly curious to see who was behind some of the things going on and that is the only reason I didn't tap out and DNF it, thank goodness I had the audiobook or I probably wouldn't have made it though I think I should have just skipped to the end and save myself some time as I really didn't care.

You only really get to know Cassie and I didn't really care for her and you don't get enough of the other characters to really care much about what is going on. I can't even remember enough of what happened to talk much about the book.

I guess if you like this type of story you might like it but it really just isn't for me.

2 stars


  1. I have been wanting to try this author but none of her books have really interested me enough to pick any up. I think I'll continue to pass on them!

    1. Yeah this one doesn't make me want to pick up any of her other

  2. I've never read this author before, but you're right, this one doesn't sound that interesting.


Week in Review #112

  How was your week? What did you get? The Week in Review is where I combine Stacking the Shelves , The Sunday Post and It's Monday! ...