This is Stormi from Books, Movies, Reviews. Oh my! I downgraded blogs because I wasn't using the other one as much and didn't need the extra expense. Hope you all will join me here!

Sunday, July 9, 2023

Week in Review #42

The Week in Review is where I combine Stacking the Shelves, The Sunday Post and It's Monday! What are you reading?  If you have never joined in on these meme's you can check them out by clicking on the meme and it will take you to the host blog.

Nothing new to report, sort of the same ole same ole. :) We keep getting by passed for storms which I like but we need some rain, the grass is starting to look a bit wilted and brown. I just want rain with out the storm part. I am sure a lot of people are tired of storms they seem to be everywhere.

Oh we got parts of our car fixed, but still need to get the wheels alligned which will be on Monday. Then hopefully the shake will be gone. *Fingers crossed*

Have a great week and happy reading!

What you might have missed on my blog

Books I have added

  • Deadly Tides - This is the second book in a series that I haven't started yet but I have book one and I have liked this authors other series so I have high hopes. :)
  • Red Rabbit - I have enjoyed this authors historical mystery series, but this is a bit different from that, it's historical but involves a posse hunting a witch and sounds fun!
I have a red book theme going on

Books read last week

  • Persuasion - Reread of my favorite Austen book, so of course I loved it. :)
  • Murder at the Vicarage - My first Miss Marple and it was okay, I was surprised that Miss M wasn't in it that much till around halfway or maybe even more than halfway though it.
  • The Duke's Wager - It's from 1983 and like a lot of older catagory type romances it didn't have a lot of romance and wasn't very believable. I think it could have benefited from being a bit longer but was only 217 pages. Both the guys on the cover were jerks, who used women, so it was hard to believe the Duke all of a sudden was reformed and wanted to marry the young lady.
  • Murder Off the Books - This is the third book in the By the Book series and it's a really fun cozy mystery series! The first book has been the best because of the twist at the end but the second and this was was still a lot of fun.
  • Sticking to Her Guns - Second book in the Colt Brothers Investigation series and I enjoyed it. I love B.J. Daniels as I know I will get some good intrigue and sexy cowboys. :)
  • Four Parties and a Funeral - The fourth book in the Catering Hall mystery series and it was enjoyable. This is the pen name for Ellen Byron and I prefer the Cajun Country series to this one but it's still fun.

Currently reading

  • The Book of Life - I promise one day this will be gone from my currently It's just been hectic lately and print books haven't been what I am reading. One page 259 of 561.
  • Clara and the Long Way Around - So far this one is decent, I am 17% into it.
  • Mystery in the Highlands - Not far into this one but it's okay so far. 6% into it.
  • Mystery in the Palace Westminister - This one just got added to the rotation and so far it's okay but only 8% into this one. It's a book for kids 10+ though the MC is 14.
  • City of Nightmares - This one is different so far as it's an urban fantasy about a how you can become your nightmares and that doesn't always go great. The MC's sister turned into a giant spider and tried to eat her when she was younger and she pretty much as PTSD from it and is afraid of everything. She meets a vampire and I have a feeling they are going to have to work together even though she is afraid of him. I am 32% into the audiobook.
  • A Botanist Guide to Flowers and Fatality - My other audiobook, but I have just started it so no opinion yet but I did enjoy book one. I think I am like 3% into it.

What might be up next

 Not sure since I am reading so Might need to catch up some. :)

How was your week? What did you get?


  1. Glad the car is getting worked out. You read quite a few mysteries last week. I'm hoping to get a copy of Red Rabbit too.

    1. Hope you do so we can buddy read it! It sounds fun!

  2. I have a copy of Red Rabbit too and I'm really curious about it. I wouldn't mind some rain here, it's getting very hot and dry! Hope you have a good week!

  3. There been a lot of thunder but no rain where I live too.
    Have a great week.

  4. Our grass was getting a little thirsty too but we had some rain and now it's green... and needs mowing ha!

  5. We never get passed by for rain. We keep getting torrential rain every afternoon. All those cozies look so good. I hope you have a great week!

  6. I had a quiet week too. It's always nice to have a quiet week!

    Here’s my Sunday Post

    Please join the Book Photo Sundays and Cover Spotlight

    Rabbit Ears Book Blog: WORLD’S WEIRDEST BOOK BLOG!

  7. We had a very dry June, but then Wimbledon started - so of course we've had a lot of rain:)). I'm pleased to see it - just wish it hadn't affected the tennis! I'm in awe that you're reading so many books at once! I tend to have one ebook and one audiobook on the go at a time. I love the look of the Botanist's Guide... so I hope you enjoy it. Have a great week and best of luck with the car.

  8. Fingers crossed for car stuff. I think we are getting all the rain you're missing. I'm getting so tired of it! Murder at the Vicarage isn't my favorite Marple and there are several Marple books where she doesn't appear until later on and doesn't have much page time. It's a bit odd. I think you'll like the next Marple better. Have a great week!


Week in Review #112

  How was your week? What did you get? The Week in Review is where I combine Stacking the Shelves , The Sunday Post and It's Monday! ...