This is Stormi from Books, Movies, Reviews. Oh my! I downgraded blogs because I wasn't using the other one as much and didn't need the extra expense. Hope you all will join me here!

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Week in Review #56

The Week in Review is where I combine Stacking the Shelves, The Sunday Post and It's Monday! What are you reading?  If you have never joined in on these meme's you can check them out by clicking on the meme and it will take you to the host blog.

The week was pretty decent and not a lot happened. The weather was lovely, but it has took a turn and the weekend has been cold. I think it's still to early in Fall to have lows in the 30s!

Since I listened the short story The Birds last weekend I watched the movie version which was interesting, it had been a while since I had seen it so I had forgotten a lot of it. Then Freevee got CHiPs and I loved that tv show (I will not recognize the movie they made as I haven't watched it nor will I) Nothing beats the actual show! So have been watching it a lot. :)

What you might have missed on my blog

Review of Scritch Scratch
Review of It Found Us

Books I have added

 Nothing!! :)

Books read last week

  • All Hallows - This was okay. It has some things I don't care to read about in it and I don't think it really gave me any of the lore around what was happening. Like I know the woods were haunted by why and when the Cunning Man and those creepy kids were running around...well why?
  • There's No Way I'd Die First - I think Teens would like this but I was not impressed. It was okay but a lot of things didn't make sense and some of the soapbox type things were annoying.
  • Beastly Bones - This was a lot of fun! Jackaby cracks me up!
  • Glassheart - I good end to a trilogy! Look at me starting and finishing a series in the same year! Woot woot! :)
  • The Zombie Chasers - This was a dud, I didn't like the girl in this story she was rude and annoying. It was the first book in a series but I will not continue.
  • The Spaces in Between - The second book in the Exit 13 series and catches me up on it and I really enjoyed it.
  • Bite Risk - Start of a new series and a fun werewolf book.

Currently reading

  • IT - I am happy to report that I am on page 805 of 1138, so 70% into it. I can't say that I am loving it but it's okay.
  • Slime Doesn't Pay! - Not as good as I was hoping. I mean for a book about sliming a kid I am 54% into it and no slime yet!!! Just a super annoying kid. This could have been reduced down to a normal goosebumps type book instead of the longer novel that it is.
  • Deadly Deep - Fourth and the latest book out in the Dread Wood series and I am really enjoying it. I just recently started this series and already caught up to the latest so that should let you know I like it. :)
  • Witches Get Stuff Done - I haven't been reading on this one and I need too. I am liking it fine, just liking my middle grade spookies more and it's ebook not

What might be up next

  • Not the Witch You Wed - I would like to get to one other witchy romance before the month is over so maybe I can get started on this one next week.
  • The Dollhouse Murder - I have been wanting to try this author and this sounds fun.

How was your week? What did you get?


  1. I have been binge watching the Twilight Zone, I can't watch the new ones of it, nothing beats the old ones and Rod.

    The Jackaby Series is one of my favorites!

    Have a great week, Stormi! Happy Reading!

    1. I don't think I have ever watched the Twilight Zone, maybe seen clips of it.

  2. My sister and I used to watch CHIPs! Lol I'd be curious to watch it now😁

    1. There might be some eye rollie things but over all I really enjoy it, I mean Eric Estrada and Larry Wilcox. :)

  3. Not the Witch is so fun. Hope you love it too! I used to live Erik Estrada as a kid!

  4. Our weather has cooled off some, too, but not as much as where you are. And I see you are reading a lot of October spooky books this month—enjoy!

  5. I've read The Birds but I don't think I've ever watched the whole movie. I need to do that. Have a great week!


Week in Review #112

  How was your week? What did you get? The Week in Review is where I combine Stacking the Shelves , The Sunday Post and It's Monday! ...