This is Stormi from Books, Movies, Reviews. Oh my! I downgraded blogs because I wasn't using the other one as much and didn't need the extra expense. Hope you all will join me here!

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Week in Review #99

How was your week? What did you get? The Week in Review is where I combine Stacking the Shelves, The Sunday Post and It's Monday! What are you reading?  If you have never joined in on these meme's you can check them out by clicking on the meme and it will take you to the host blog.

So this week I had a doctors appointment and he said I have a heart murmer, so I have to set up an eco cardiogram or something like that and my hip has been bothering me and it's hard to walk so I have to get an x-ray....I am falling apart. :( So it hasn't been the best of weeks but hopefully this week will be better.

The weather is a bit cooler but not to cool so I am okay with it, but the nights are getting a bit chilly and I am not a fan of

Have a great week and happy reading!

What you might have missed on my blog

Review of Summer Knight
Couple of Anticipated Reads

Books I have added


Books I Read

  • The Marlow Murder Club - First book in a series by the same name. This was a fun cozy type mystery with an older MC who was pretty spunky and her friends were cool too. 
  • When Darkness Falls - The second book in the Vampire Alliance series and probably my last book for Vamptember and it was enjoyable. 
  • The Highway - This is the second book in the in a series that has more than one name. It's weird because the first two books has Cody Hoyt in them, then something happens to Cody which I was not a fan of as I liked him but this second book introduces Cassie Duvall which is who is in the rest of the series, it's called The Highway Quartet but there are six books, anyway that is I did like it though. 
  • A Bite Above the Rest - A fun paranormal middle grade book about a boy who believes his town has real vampires, werewolves and witches in it and decides to out them. It ended as if it's going to end up a series and I am curious.
  • The Miraculous - This was a pretty good contemporary/magical realism middle grade book. 

Currently Reading

  • Curse of the Reaper - Slasher horror book, I am currently 36% into this one and it's okay but nothing has really happened yet, so I hope it gets good soon. 
  • Caught Dead - The second book in the Bite Risk series about werewolves they call Rippers. I liked the first one and so I am hoping this will be good. I am curious because of how things went with book one. I am only 8% into the ebook so just getting started.
  • The Monstrous Adventures of Mummy Man and Waffle - So far this has been fun but I am only 17% into it so not to far into it. Just been introduce to the Mummy. :) 

How did your week go? Hope you had a great week!


  1. I also feel like I'm falling apart so genuine commiserations! Hopefully, things improve soon.

  2. Good luck with your medical issues. I do know how you feel. I'm going through some similar stuff too. Take care of yourself.

    1. Thanks! Hope your medical issues go well too!

  3. Good luck with the echocardiogram etc! Health stuff can be so frustrating; I hope books are providing a good distraction.

    My weekly roundup.

  4. I'm going to try to work in Curse of the Reaper this month to see if your prediction for my rating is right!

    1. Oh I hope you do, as I am very curious if I am


Two Bloggers One Series ~ When Darkness Falls (Alliance Vampires #2)

  I got Barb into this series and it just so happened to work for Vamptember so that was great. After you see what I thought head on over Bo...