This is Stormi from Books, Movies, Reviews. Oh my! I downgraded blogs because I wasn't using the other one as much and didn't need the extra expense. Hope you all will join me here!

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Week in Review #102

How was your week? What did you get? The Week in Review is where I combine Stacking the Shelves, The Sunday Post and It's Monday! What are you reading?  If you have never joined in on these meme's you can check them out by clicking on the meme and it will take you to the host blog.

Hi everyone, hope you had a great week. Mine wasn't the best just because the doctor thinks I have early osteoarthritsis in my hip. The x-ray showed nothing wrong and so he is figuring that is what it is and so I am on an antiimflamitory. I just hope it helps as my hip really hurts and it's hard to get comfortable. I haven't even hit 50 yet and I am falling apart. :( Enough about

I have been watching lots of horror movies but mostly just either creature/killer animal and most of them older as, I have tried some of the newer ones and they are so boring, I would rather watch older horror. I would rather see a anamtronic gator or shark over a CGI one that you hardly even see the movie. I watched a couple Lake Placid movies and a black and white ones, It Came From Beneath the Sea, I thought the claymation Octopus was pretty cool.

Happy reading!

Books I have added


Books I Read

  • The Creepening of Dogwood House - I think if you liked Root Magic by this author you will enjoy this one, I just thought it was an okay read. First part was a tad slow.
  • Escape From the Dungeon of Snerbville - This was cute and a bit silly, but then the whole series is and must be read in order. 
  • The Super Secret Octagon Valley Society  - This was good, it felt like what would happen if you took Willy Wonka and gave him a secret society and instead of picking kids by golden ticket, he gave them an exam with a super secret question. 
  • Something is Killing the Children - Graphic novel reread as I want to continue.
  • Incidents Around the House - I really wanted to like this but the end ruined it. 
  • Death Mask - Reread and loved it as well all know I
  • The War of the Worlds - I was a bit surprised that I actually enjoyed this one! I wasn't sure since it was science fiction and I wasn't a huge fan of his Island of Dr. Moreau. 
Currently Reading

  • Caught Dead - Okay so I liked book one and this one is okay but it just doesn't have my attention right now so I haven't read much on it. I think I am currently around 35% and really need to get it done. 
  • Lenny Among Ghosts - I put the other to the side for this one as it's an eyeball read too and I am enjoying this one so much more, it's just moving faster and has my attention. I am around 22% into it and just started it a couple days ago which is good for eyeball reading. :) 
  • The No-Brainer's Guide to Decompostion - This is the grossest kids book I have ever read!! So much talk about what happens to bodies after they die. It's set at the Body Farm if you know what that is then you know it's gross! Oh and zombies!
How did your week go? Hope you had a great week!


  1. i do remember the ending of Incidents Around the House and I'm still not sure if I like it or not, so I totally understand how you feel. I hope you have a good week and your hip feels better!

  2. Sorry to hear about the osteoarthritis. Hopefully they figure everything with your hp out soon so you can get some relief. My week has been okay. I mostly chilled. I hope you have a great week!

  3. I'm sorry to hear about your hip. I hope the anti-inflammatory works. Your books look good. Enjoy and have a great week!

  4. So sorry to hear about your hip but hope the anti-inflammatory works. Enjoy your reading and have a great week!


Week in Review #102

How was your week? What did you get? The Week in Review is where I combine Stacking the Shelves , The Sunday Post and It's Monday! Wh...