This is Stormi from Books, Movies, Reviews. Oh my! I downgraded blogs because I wasn't using the other one as much and didn't need the extra expense. Hope you all will join me here!

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Two Bloggers One Series ~ Dead Beat by Jim Butcher

I am so enjoying my reread of this series. I have forgotten a lot of things that happened as there are a lot of things that go on in these books. I feel like I could reread this series again and still be like oh yeah that happened After you see my thoughts go on over to Barb's and see what she thought at Booker T's Farm.

Meet Harry Dresden, Chicago's first (and only) Wizard P.I. Turns out the 'everyday' world is full of strange and magical things - and most of them don't play well with humans. That's where Harry comes in.

Luckily, however, he's not alone. Although most people don't believe in magic, the Chicago P.D. has a Special Investigations department, headed by his good friend Karrin Murphy. They deal with the . . . stranger cases. It's down to Karrin that Harry sneaks into Graceland Cemetery to meet a vampire named Mavra. Mavra has evidence that would destroy Karrin's career, and her demands are simple. She wants the Word of Kemmler - and all the power that comes with it. But first, Harry's keen to know what he'd be handing over. Before long he's racing against time, and six necromancers, to get the Word. And to prevent a Halloween that would truly wake the dead.

Magic - it can get a guy killed

This time around Harry is contacted by a villainess vampire who threatens Murphy’s career if Harry doesn’t do what she wants him too. She wants the World of Kemmler and even though Harry is not sure what it is he will do whatever it takes to protect Murphy. Even if that means going up against a lot of necromancers and others who seem to want the same thing. There was lots of good action and it was very fast paced.

I love how loyal Harry is to Murphy as he just about gets himself killed going up against all of these different people trying to get what he has all to make sure her career is protected from things they have had to do in the past. He is just one of my favorite characters ever! I did miss Murphy as she was only in the beginning as she went off on vacation. I so love Mouse the giant dog!

This was a fun installment of the series!

5 stars


  1. I wish Murphy had been in this one more. And just when I think more trouble can't find Harry, I'm wrong. Butters was a fun addition to this one.

  2. I need to find out more about Murphy and Mouse, so I guess that means I'd better start this series!


Blog Tour ~ Murder at the Loch

  This review is part of a blog tour for this book and my honest opinion of this book. Meet Ally dog lover, guesthouse owner and accidental ...