This is Stormi from Books, Movies, Reviews. Oh my! I downgraded blogs because I wasn't using the other one as much and didn't need the extra expense. Hope you all will join me here!

Sunday, October 9, 2022

Week in Review #4

 The Week in Review is where I combine Stacking the Shelves, The Sunday Post and It's Monday! What are you reading?  If you have never joined in on these meme's you can check them out by clicking on the meme and it will take you to the host blog.

So this week was much more relaxed! Tuesday we went and got Dresden's stitches out and now she is running around like Rin Tin Tin! It's hard to tell anything ever happened to her! Animals they rebound so quickly. :) 

Beside getting things back to normal here I haven't really don't much that is worthy of chatting I did watch a few things that I will mention.

Watched Dark Night of the Scarecrow I believe it was fro the 70s and wasn't bad but I feel a bit let down that it wasn't really a killer scarecrow, you would need to watch to understand that. I watched the old black and white Dracula and Werewolf in London. There are more I hope to watch this month just not sure Oh and still watching Vampire Diaries now and then on season two. :)

Books I have added


  • Lone Women - Don't really know much about it but it's a horror book and I have always been curious about the authors books and a publicist contacted me, so I was like sure.
  • Christmas Ransom - I really like this author and it's a cowboy romance.
  • Laws of Depravity - This sounds like a gritty mystery/thriller and I am very curious about it!
Thanks Netgalley and publishers!

Books read last week


There is a lot here but as you can see they are middle grade so very short. :) I am reading a lot of middle grade spooky or non-spooky but seasonal appropriate novels for Hallowtween! :)
  • The Collectors - Second book in the Fright Watch series, not as good as book one but still enjoyable.
  • Skeleton Man - This has been on my shelf for a while now and I am glad I read it but it was just okay.
  • Empty Smiles - Last book in the Small Spaces series, and I can see why a lot didn't like this one as it is kind of the weakest one in the series and the ending wrapped up to quickly, it really needed at least 10-15 pages more. I still enjoyed it. If you hate clowns you will not like this
  • Infestations - The second book in the Whispering Pines series and even though I liked book one more this was still super creepy and fun. I can't wait to get my hands on book three!
  • Wretched Waterpark - This is the first in a series and just sort of so so, I know it's a series but felt like I was missing information. I might try the next one out of curiousity but not sure yet.
  • Garlic and the Vampire - This is a graphic novel and it's so cute!!! Little veggie people and who else do you send to face a vampire but Garlic! :) She was so cute! Can't wait to try Garlic and the Witch, but the wait time on that is a while!
  • Spirit Hunters - This is a reread through audiobook as I don't remember a lot about the series, so much that I didn't think I read the second one but I think I have but I haven't read book three so just going to try and binge it!
  • Witch It Real Good - Book Ten in the Witchless in Seattle series and it was fun. This series is just really quirky. :)

Currently reading


  • Midnight at the Barclay Hotel - It's a mystery but with a ghost hunter so counting it for a spooky middle It's not bad, I am little over halfway through the audiobook.
  • Closed for the Season - Not real far into this one but I am curious about it. On page 46 of 182.
  • The Zombie Stone - I really should have finished this one already, it's okay just not going to be a favorite. I will finish this week as I am on 207 of 279.
  • The Twig Man - Just starting this one so only 4% into it but so far it's okay.
  • Harvest Home - Just starting this one too, probably one of my only adult horror books I will get read and slowly too. I think it might be a slow burn and take me a while but always wanted to try it. I am on page 32 of 335.
  • Station Eternity - Yep I am still working on this one slowly, just not sure space cozies are for me or at least this one it's just to weird. I am only about 18% so I still have time to change my

What might be up next


  1. I finally finished Starion Eternity and it was very weird! I ended up liking it, but it took the first half to get into the ryhthm.

    1. I will keep going then as I have only made it about 18% when I should have finished by now!

  2. I'm glad Dresden is doing so well. I'm sure that's a huge relief.

    Your books look so good. I love cowboy romances and BJ Daniels is a good author.

    Hope you have a great week.

    1. Thanks! I love cowboy romances too! They are probably my favorite contemporary as I am more of a historical romance reader. :)

  3. Ooh classic horror. I kinda wanna watch The Howling too. And I always get a kick out of the old Abbott and Costeelo Meet Frankenstein (and dracula. And Wolf Man) :) Have you ever seen it?

    Glad Dresden is doing well!

    1. I love those Abbott and Costello movies!! :)

  4. Dresden! What a great name. Glad to hear she's all better and running around.

  5. So glad Dresden is feeling better and hope that means you are able to sleep in your own bed! Enjoy your reading and have a great week!


Review of Sniffing Out Murder

 I have told myself that in 2025 I am going to get better about posting on my blog and not just Youtube!   When a murder unleashes a widespr...