This is Stormi from Books, Movies, Reviews. Oh my! I downgraded blogs because I wasn't using the other one as much and didn't need the extra expense. Hope you all will join me here!

Sunday, January 29, 2023

Week in Review #19

The Week in Review is where I combine Stacking the Shelves, The Sunday Post and It's Monday! What are you reading?  If you have never joined in on these meme's you can check them out by clicking on the meme and it will take you to the host blog.

Nothing go on here but the up and down weather. I guess Winter is finally hitting since it's getting close to February. We have had snow, then 55 degrees and now back to being in the 30s today. This week is going to be nasty too with snow/freezing rain mix. I am so ready for spring!

Have a great week!

Books I have added

 Nothing! The Streak

Books read last week


  • The Mitford Murders - I enjoyed this start to a series. It is set around the 1920s and this first book was based on an actual murder which I found interesting.
  • The Hollow - This is the second book in the Sign of Seven trilogy and enjoyable. I am looking forward to finishing out this trilogy soon.
  • Sew Deadly - The first in the Southern Sewing Circle and it was enjoyable. I liked the MC okay but my favorites were some of the side characters.
  • Devil in a Blue Dress - This was an okay start to a series. I am curious to try another.
  • Eva Evergreen, Semi Magical Witch - This was cute! :)

Currently reading


  • Secrets in the Stacks - I am about halfway through this on audiobook.
  • Grilled 4 Murder - I haven't read much on this one but I finished a lot of the others and want to finish this one this week! It's been sitting on this list for to

What might be up next

 Probably going get started on some February reads because I am doing my Retro Romance Readathon with a couple lovely co-host on Youtube and most of them are print books! :)

How was your week? What did you get?


  1. Now that I live in the mountains, I can totally relate to your feelings about winter and snowy/rainy weather, lol. It's so cold here, I can't wait for Spring either! Hope your week is a good one😁

    1. Ha ha! I was wondering why you were complianing about the cold. :) Hope spring comes quickly. :)

  2. It's super cold here at the moment too! I'm ready for the freeze to be over.

  3. I hope your weather won't be too bad this week. Your books look really good. I have to start the Lynn Cahoon series. It looks so good. Have a great week!

    1. I am enjoying the Lynn Cahoon series more than I thought I would since it's about a cancer survivor's group, but it's not real dreary and not a lot of talk about it so that is good. The group does turn into a sluething :)

  4. The Retro Romance Readathon sounds interesting. I hope you enjoy your books!

    My Sunday Post.

    1. It is! You can see my announcement on my channel Storm Reads, link is on the sidebar. :)

  5. Hope your week isn't too bad. We got DUMPED on. Couldn't go anywhere the last two days. Snowmageddon

    1. Oh yuck, I don't think ours is going to be that bad just cold, maybe an inch of snow but that is still to much in my

  6. Nice!
    I have really enjoyed this book by Mosley 12 years ago!! This is not part of a series:

  7. It's cold and rainy here and I am not a fan! I'm so glad to see you enjoyed The Mitford Murders. I have it but haven't read it yet. I hope you are having a great week!


Review of Sniffing Out Murder

 I have told myself that in 2025 I am going to get better about posting on my blog and not just Youtube!   When a murder unleashes a widespr...