This is Stormi from Books, Movies, Reviews. Oh my! I downgraded blogs because I wasn't using the other one as much and didn't need the extra expense. Hope you all will join me here!

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Waiting on Wednesday #1


I haven't done this kind of post since changing blogs so thought I would start doing them again. Waiting on Wednesday has been around for a while and I know that it was taken over by Wishful Endings and called Can't wait Wednesday so will link to her.

Twelve year-old Serenity Noah has never told anyone about her recurring nightmares -- the haunting images of silver butterflies whose flapping wings drive away all sound, leaving only suffocating silence in their wake. Her parents already favor her "perfect" younger brother, Peace, and she doesn't want to be seen as the "problem" child.

Instead, Serenity's found a productive way to channel her fears: creating a horror movie as scary as her nightmares.

When Peace suddenly becomes afraid of the dark and refuses to sleep alone, their parents take him away for "treatment" on Duppy Island. Serenity has a very bad feeling about the mysterious island and the facility's creepy leader, Dr. Whisper. And when she sees a silver butterfly from her nightmares in the forbidden forest she realizes that something is seriously, dangerously awry.

But nothing could've prepared Serenity for the truth: the island is home to douens -- faceless children with backward feet who are trapped in limbo between the world of the living and the land of the dead. And unless Serenity acts soon, her brother is going to join their ranks...

A Douen!!

Love my middle grade horror and this one sounds really interesting. though I think sometimes the spooky middle grade is a bit to spooky for kids. This is what I will be picturing while reading this one!!!! A Douen  is a entity from Trinidad and Tobago folklore.

 It comes out June 6th from Scholastic Press.


  1. Ok I'm creeped out already by douen! This does sound very scary, and I like the idea of butterflies that erase sound.


Feed Your TBR!

Going to try and be better about posting in 2025 and I already feel behind but life hit me a bit at the beginning of the year, so hopefully ...