This is Stormi from Books, Movies, Reviews. Oh my! I downgraded blogs because I wasn't using the other one as much and didn't need the extra expense. Hope you all will join me here!

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Two Bloggers One Book ~ The Housemaid by Fredda McFadden

So I mentioned to Barb at the beginning of the year that I wanted to try and read more thrillers this year, but so far most of them have been bombs! While on a live on Youtube with some friends someone was reading a book by Fredda McFadden and said they were enjoying it and a lot of people commented how much they liked her so I told Barb we should try one! After seeing what I thought head on over to Booker T's Farm and see what Barb had to say and see if we broke our streak of bad thrillers!


“Welcome to the family,” Nina Winchester says as I shake her elegant, manicured hand. I smile politely, gazing around the marble hallway. Working here is my last chance to start fresh. I can pretend to be whoever I like. But I’ll soon learn that the Winchesters’ secrets are far more dangerous than my own…

Every day I clean the Winchesters’ beautiful house top to bottom. I collect their daughter from school. And I cook a delicious meal for the whole family before heading up to eat alone in my tiny room on the top floor.

I try to ignore how Nina makes a mess just to watch me clean it up. How she tells strange lies about her own daughter. And how her husband Andrew seems more broken every day. But as I look into Andrew’s handsome brown eyes, so full of pain, it’s hard not to imagine what it would be like to live Nina’s life. The walk-in closet, the fancy car, the perfect husband.

I only try on one of Nina’s pristine white dresses once. Just to see what it’s like. But she soon finds out… and by the time I realize my attic bedroom door only locks from the outside, it’s far too late.

But I reassure myself: the Winchesters don’t know who I really am.

They don’t know what I’m capable of…

So I am very hit or miss with thrillers. I think I have found out that I really do prefer ones that have a bit more action and are faster paced, so for me The Housemaid was a bit slow to begin. I was also a bit lost on were this one might be going as nothing really happens in the beginning except the fact we figure out that Nina is a bit on the crazy side. If I was Millie I wouldn't have been able to be the maid. 

For about the first 45% your really just reading in hopes that something of interest is going to happen and this is what usually gets me with thrillers, I get bored and want to quit, but thankfully Barb was a head of me and said there was a twist coming so I kept going. 

So Millie needs this job because she is on parole and it seems like a pretty decent gig at first and she is happy to be there, but when Nina starts acting strange towards her she is not real sure what to make of things. Andrew the husband on the other hand seems fairly sweet, but the child is much like her mother.

I can't really say much more than that for fear of spoiling things, but something does happen around the 60% mark that totally changes the game and from then on it was a pretty interesting book and the end was pretty cool. I can't say I was totally on board with the end but I am curious enough to check out the next book in the series just to see how it goes.

If your a fan of thrillers then I think this one will be a decent read for you.

4 stars (just because it is probably one of the better thrillers I have read this year!)


  1. Thank Goodness we had a positive experience!

  2. I've read so many thrillers that start out slow. Maybe it's a trend right now?

  3. I'm iffy on thrillers. I either love them or hate them but this one sounds really good! Definitely one to try out.


Week in Review #112

  How was your week? What did you get? The Week in Review is where I combine Stacking the Shelves , The Sunday Post and It's Monday! ...