This is Stormi from Books, Movies, Reviews. Oh my! I downgraded blogs because I wasn't using the other one as much and didn't need the extra expense. Hope you all will join me here!

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Week in Review #53

The Week in Review is where I combine Stacking the Shelves, The Sunday Post and It's Monday! What are you reading?  If you have never joined in on these meme's you can check them out by clicking on the meme and it will take you to the host blog.

This has been a tiring week because I haven't slept very good as my legs have been bothering me and then we had storms..ugh. So I don't have much to report this week.

I can't believe that September is almost over!! Crazy!

Have a great week and happy reading!

Books I have added

  • To Slip the Bonds of Earth - Historical mystery with the Wright Brothers sister as the main character! I love this author so I will grab anything she does so don't even know what it's
  • Mission 1: All in a Day's Work - This looked like a cute middle grade mystery about a girl who is telepathic and can talk to animals. Jack the Polar Bear needs her help investing what happened to his regular zoo keeper.
  • The Great Cupsnake Escape - I have read the first book in the Frankinschool series, so I am curious to see what the characters are up to in this one. :)

Books read last week

  • Bait and Witch - I have been meaning to try this one for a while as it's one of Barb's favorite series and so finally got to the first book. I enjoyed it. If you like paranormal cozies give it a try.
  • S.O.S - This is a series that doesn't take itself series and is sort of a spoof of Sherlock Holmes. It's a fun middle grade series though it did leave me hanging a bit at the end of this one!
  • The Haunted Library - Been trying out some little kid spooky books so I can get a recommendation for them when someone wants a less scary option for spooky season. This was cute!!
  • Fear Ground - The second book in the Dead Wood series that wasn't real scary but did have some spooky spots but a fun middle grade book.
  • Gravebooks - The second book in the Nightbook series and I think I might have liked it a bit more than the first one.
  • Jaclyn Hyde - This is a cute not spooky kids book about a girl who is always trying to be perfect and finds a formula to make her perfect but it sort of backfires. :)
  • Taken In - The ninth book in the Southern Sewing Circle and still not a huge fan of it but I am reading the series with a group and so I keep going.

Currently reading


  • It - So my goal for the coming week is to try and make it to at least chapter 12 which is 612 pages in and then finish the rest in October. Currently on page 427 of 1138.
  • Spy School Goes North - I want to get this one finished this week so really need to concentrate on more of my print books this last week of September. Currently on 197 of 289.
  • Extinction - I am so excited for this book! I have it as an ebook and buddy reading it with a discord friend so going a bit slower but loving it! This is the last in a series and kind of bummed as it's a favorite. I think this series is better than some adult horror Currently 51% into it.
  • Witches Get Stuff Done - I haven't read any more on this one and I need to so only 27% into it.
  • Tentacles - I just started this one and it's a print book so hopefully I can get it done if not it rolls over to October. I am only on page 11 of 319.

What might be up next

 If I start anything else it will probably be books from my October TBR. :)

How was your week? What did you get?


  1. The end of the year always goes so fast and with us moving it seems to be going faster since I have so much to do. I am sorry your legs are keeping you awake :( I hope you are able to get some rest.

    Have a great week, Stormi! Happy Reading xo

    1. Thanks, I think I am going to have to break down and see the doctor. My left leg feels like I have something cutting the circulation off but there is nothing there doing that, especially around my ankle. :(

  2. I'm sorry you haven't been sleeping well. I hope your legs are doing better. September just raced right by. I hope this is a good week for you. Enjoy your books.

  3. Not getting sleep is the worst! I've been struggling with that having a new puppy, lol. And I can't believe September is almost over!

    1. Yes, as some days I feel very much like a zombie just walking around.

  4. Yeah I was in cracker Barrel yesterday and they had all the stuff for Halloween, Thanksgiving and yes Christmas lol! But it's October almost and I'm getting ready for scary reads :)

  5. I need to check out Tentacles and am so glad you finally read Bait and Witch! Hope you like Witches Get Stuff Done.

    1. I am liking Witches Get Stuff Done, just not reading it fast

  6. I love the fact that you've got some Halloween reads that don't look too gory or scary:)). Have a great week!

    1. I have a lot of fun reading Middle Grade spooky books. :) Sometimes I prefer them to adult

  7. Bad sleep really stinks. this month has really flown by, I think it's because of the back to school of it all --I hope you have better rest this week


Feed Your TBR! #7

It' s time to FEED YOUR TBR and I have a couple books you might find interesting!! I am curious about these books though I may not be an...