This is Stormi from Books, Movies, Reviews. Oh my! I downgraded blogs because I wasn't using the other one as much and didn't need the extra expense. Hope you all will join me here!

Sunday, October 1, 2023

Week in Review #54

The Week in Review is where I combine Stacking the Shelves, The Sunday Post and It's Monday! What are you reading?  If you have never joined in on these meme's you can check them out by clicking on the meme and it will take you to the host blog.

So hard to believe it's the first day of October.

The weather here has been pretty nice, still a little warm but I don't mind. I am not looking forward to colder weather. I am also not liking the shorter nights. I hate it when it gets dark early. :(

Not really anything of interest happened last week.

Have a great week and happy reading!

What you might have missed on my blog

Waiting on Wednesday - I Heard a Fly Buzz When I Died

Books I have added

  • The September House - I have a strange relationship with Berkley, half the time it doesn't approve books and then it goes and gives me a book after it has came out! Anyway I want to read this one so I am happy. :)

Books read last week

  • Spy School Goes North - The 11th book in the Spy School series and they are in Alaska where adventurous shenanigans happen. This is a fun series. (Print)
  • Extinction - I am so sad that this is the last book in this series! This is book four and it was very good. It's my favorite Middle Grade horror series, very spooky for a kids book. :) If you like Stranger Things and the X-files you might enjoy this. (Ebook)
  • Quest Kids and the Dark Prophecy of Doug - The second book in the Quest Kids series and it's a bit of a silly series but fun. It's heavily illustrated with parts of it in sort of a graphic novel style so quick and fun. (Print)
  • Making the Team - This is the second book in the Case File 13 series and it was fun. Sort of a Dr. Frankenstein type mad scientist. (Audiobook)
  • Mrs. Jeffries Dust For Clues - This is book two in the Mrs. Jeffries series and it was fun. I think I am going to really like this cozy series. I really like Mrs. Jeffries as she helps her boss who is the detective without letting him know that she is helping lol. (Audiobook)
  • Slashing Through the Snow - This is a reread for me as I was doing a readalong with some friends to lead up to the newest one that comes out this month. My friend Tiffany will be the victim in the newest one and we are She always wanted to be the victim in a cozy so the author was like sure I can do :) (Audiobook)

Currently reading

  • IT - I made it to 56% which is page 659 of 1138 so not bad for the month. I feel confident that I can get it finished this month.
  • All Hallows - It's spooky season time! The horror group I am in are doing two books for October. I had to get a head start so I am 44% into the audiobook for this one. So far it's not bad but a lot of character POVs and I am hoping it picks up soon. :)
  • There's No Way I'd Die First - This is the horror groups other book and I started a little on it but not real far. It's YA and I think maybe a slasher with a knock off IT clown. The MC I think hires him for her party and he takes his job I am only 5% in so I haven't gotten far enough to really know a lot yet. (Ebook)
  • Murder at the Merton Library - This wasn't on my TBR for October but I got the audio from Libby and I really wanted to read it as I love this series so just when ahead with I am 30% into it and enjoying it.
  • Scariest. Book. Ever. - Haven't actually started but should be starting today. (Ebook)

What might be up next

For October I host a middle grade horror readathon called Hallowtween on my youtube channel so you will see lots of middle grade books. :)

How was your week? What did you get?


  1. Berkley can be hit or miss for me too. But I hope you enjoy The September House, it's fun and crazy!

    1. It sounds like a fun one so I hope I like it!

  2. I've got Scritch Scratch down as our first buddy read so glad to see you post it here as well. I don't think we ever decided an order did we?

    1. I didn't know the order either but this

  3. Same here, not a fan of earlier nights. It warmed up here and is supposed to be 80s all week. I think I'll take it. :)

    1. I am hanging on the warm weather as long as I can! :)


Week in Review #112

  How was your week? What did you get? The Week in Review is where I combine Stacking the Shelves , The Sunday Post and It's Monday! ...