This is Stormi from Books, Movies, Reviews. Oh my! I downgraded blogs because I wasn't using the other one as much and didn't need the extra expense. Hope you all will join me here!

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Week in Review #59

The Week in Review is where I combine Stacking the Shelves, The Sunday Post and It's Monday! What are you reading?  If you have never joined in on these meme's you can check them out by clicking on the meme and it will take you to the host blog.

The weather is bipolar! We were freezing as in winter temps at the beginning of the week and now it's like 70 outside! Oh believe me I am not complaining but it's so

I haven't watched any new movies but I have been watching a lot of Homesteading videos on Youtube. :) 

Have a great week and happy reading!

Books I have added

  • Cursed Cruise - I requested this and then I read book one and it wasn't great but it was okay, so now I am hoping this one lives up to it's cool This is a good lesson in read book one before requesting book two. :)

Books read last week

  • The Ghost Job - This was okay but I don't care to have necromancy in my middle grade books.
  • Finch House - This was a fun middle grade ghost story.
  • In My Dreams I Hold a Knife - I am starting to think I am not a thriller reader or I just need more action and less drama. I ended up DNFing and going to end to see if I was right about who the killer was and I got it right. :)
  • Murder at Mallowan Hall - First in a historical mystery featuring Agatha Christie's maid as the sleuth and you get a little of Christie as a character too so that was fun. I wasn't a huge fan of the plotline of why the murder happened and thought the MC was a bit of a know it all but it wasn't a bad start to a series. I will continue the series.
  • Secret Star - Best thing about this book is that it finished a This was so cheesy and instalusty and the relationship just didn't work.

Currently reading

  • IT - Yes, still plugging away at this one. We decided to spread it out to
  • Of Hoaxes and Homicide - I loved the first one and couldn't wait to try this one, it's okay so far but I am not far into it, only about 8% into the ebook.
  • Omnivore's Dilemma - Look at me reading non-fiction! Been watching a lot of homesteading channels and this was mentioned so I checked it out on libby. I am only about 10% into it. I am curious but it's a slow read as I am not huge on non-fiction.
  • Whispers at Dark - Listening to this one, it's the first in a spin off of Krewe of Hunters that takes them to Norway. I am only around 12% into this one.

What might be up next


  • The Pagan Stone - I want to finish up another trilogy, just hope this one ends better than the other trilogy I

How was your week? What did you get?


  1. We had really warm weather yesterday, as in I took off my hoodie when we went for a walk. Crazy, since it's in the 30s-40s at night! Hope you have a (warm) week!

  2. Cursed Cruise does have a wonderful cover. I usually like the thrillers we read better than you but I think we pretty much agreed on In My Dreams I Hold a Knife.

    1. Yes, you do so it's always nice when we kind of agree on

  3. It's been chilly here and I'd love some 70's! Although it did warm up one day... then snowed on Halloween. I told one of the trick or treaters merry christmas ha

    1. I could never live up north! Just the cold we get here is enough.

  4. Your books look really good. I hope you enjoy them and have a great week!

  5. I read The Sign of Seven trilogy this year and liked it and definitely agree about the Star trilogy. That was just a terrible relationship!


Feed Your TBR! #7

It' s time to FEED YOUR TBR and I have a couple books you might find interesting!! I am curious about these books though I may not be an...