This is Stormi from Books, Movies, Reviews. Oh my! I downgraded blogs because I wasn't using the other one as much and didn't need the extra expense. Hope you all will join me here!

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Two Bloggers One Series ~ Fool Moon by Jim Butcher (Dresden Files #2)

Barb and I are continuing our read of The Dresden Files, I have read them all so these are all rereads for me but I am realizing how much you forget with a long running series! After you read what I have to say go on over to Booker T's Farm and see what Barb thought. 

Harry Dresden — Wizard

Lost Items Found. Paranormal Investigations. Consulting. Advice. Reasonable Rates. No Love Potions, Endless Purses, or Other Entertainment.

Business has been slow. Okay, business has been dead. And not even of the undead variety. You would think Chicago would have a little more action for the only professional wizard in the phone book. But lately, Harry Dresden hasn't been able to dredge up any kind of work — magical or mundane.

But just when it looks like he can't afford his next meal, a murder comes along that requires his particular brand of supernatural expertise.

A brutally mutilated corpse. Strange-looking paw prints. A full moon. Take three guesses--and the first two don't count...

It's been slow for Harry Dresden the only Wizard in the Chicago phone book. He shouldn't be glad that a murder has happened that needs his expertise but when your getting hungry and need some case, you will take anything.

Harry is a Wizard and he investigates strange things that go on in the human world. He also helps Lt. Murphy when she comes upon a case that is a bit to strange to understand. After what happened in the first book Dresden hasn’t heard anything from Murphy in a while and his job as been pretty dead.

Now there is a string of murders going on and what has happened to them just can’t be considered normal. Murphy ask Dresden to take a look and it leads him to werewolves. Murphy is not quick to forgive Dresden and she doesn’t trust him either, there are a lot of miss communication that goes on between these two.

Marcone wants to hire Dresden to look into who is killing his associates and it would be good money for Dresden. Dresden can’t stand Marcone but the killings are in line with what Murphy is working on. He still refuses to work with Marcone.

Dresden and Murphy are at odds through this whole book and she even arrest him a couple of times but he escapes. Dresden figures out that not all of the killings are due to the werewolf of the fool moon because some of the killings happened on nights that there was no full moon. He finds a group with wolf pelts that can turn them into wolves.

I love Harry he always gets into almost more than he can handle. I hated that Murphy and him were at odds through most of the book as I like the banter between the two of them. We get to meet the fun young werewolf pack in this one and they are just fun! 

Loving my reread and remembering things I had forgotten!

5 stars


  1. I gave it 5 stars as well - or should I say 5 paws which is very fitting with this one. Can't wait to read more!

  2. Wow 5 stars! I guess I need to read this series😁


Week in Review #112

  How was your week? What did you get? The Week in Review is where I combine Stacking the Shelves , The Sunday Post and It's Monday! ...