This is Stormi from Books, Movies, Reviews. Oh my! I downgraded blogs because I wasn't using the other one as much and didn't need the extra expense. Hope you all will join me here!

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Two Bloggers One Series ~ Grave Peril by Jim Butcher

Barb and I are continuing are read of The Dresden Files. I love this series and enjoying my reread as I have pretty much forgotten most of After you see what I have to say head on over the BookerT's Fam and see what Barb thought. 

Harry Dresden has faced some pretty terrifying foes during his career. Giant scorpions. Oversexed vampires. Psychotic werewolves. It comes with the territory when you're the only professional wizard in the Chicago-area phone book.

But in all Harry's years of supernatural sleuthing, he's never faced anything like this: The spirit world has gone postal. All over Chicago, ghosts are causing trouble - and not just of the door-slamming, boo-shouting variety. These ghosts are tormented, violent, and deadly. Someone - or something - is purposely stirring them up to wreak unearthly havoc. But why? And why do so many of the victims have ties to Harry? If Harry doesn't figure it out soon, he could wind up a ghost himself....

Who ain’t afraid of no ghost? Harry Dresden!!

Harry Dresden has really got himself into a grave situation and it’s going to take everything he has to come out of it alive. This one has some ghostly baddies and vampires. If my fairy Godmother is anything like Harry’s I think I will pass!

There is a nightmare wreaking havoc and it even gets a hold of Murphy and Harry has to pretty much wage a war with the world of vampires while dealing with a cranky fairy godmother and a demon who wants him dead.

It’s hard to talk about this book without giving away something important for those who haven’t ever read it, so I am just making this a short review.

Grave Peril was definitely darker than the first two and had a lot more action than the others. I loved that Harry and Susan were becoming a couple, but at the same time I was disappointed that there was much of Murphy in this novel. Though there is a reason there is not much Murphy in it and you will find out once you start reading it. The ending was good but a little sad at the same time, at least for Harry Dresden. He tries to protect everyone he loves but it doesn’t always work out how he would like it.

Can't wait to get to the next one and continue on with my reread. 

5 stars


  1. I liked the last book better but this one was still really good. I did miss Murphy and wish she was in it more. Glad you talked me into reading this one.

    1. Glad your enjoying it. I think this series gets 5 stars just because I love the characters so much and it's

  2. This sounds great! Glad you loved it๐Ÿ˜


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