This is Stormi from Books, Movies, Reviews. Oh my! I downgraded blogs because I wasn't using the other one as much and didn't need the extra expense. Hope you all will join me here!

Saturday, March 11, 2023

Review of Rules For Vanishing

In the faux-documentary style of The Blair Witch Project comes the campfire story of a missing girl, a vengeful ghost, and the girl who is determined to find her sister—at all costs.

Once a year, the path appears in the forest and Lucy Gallows beckons. Who is brave enough to find her—and who won't make it out of the woods?

It's been exactly one year since Sara's sister, Becca, disappeared, and high school life has far from settled back to normal. With her sister gone, Sara doesn't know whether her former friends no longer like her... or are scared of her, and the days of eating alone at lunch have started to blend together. When a mysterious text message invites Sara and her estranged friends to "play the game" and find local ghost legend Lucy Gallows, Sara is sure this is the only way to find Becca—before she's lost forever. And even though she's hardly spoken with them for a year, Sara finds herself deep in the darkness of the forest, her friends—and their cameras—following her down the path. Together, they will have to draw on all of their strengths to survive. The road is rarely forgiving, and no one will be the same on the other side.


 I had been curious about this book and then a horror book club I am in picked this one to read last month and so I decided to give it a try. I listened to the audiobook of this one and though that was not what confused me I can see how it might confuse others as some where saying they had to get the ebook as they were confused. 

It has multi-povs and told in mixed media so basically some of the story is being told to the reader using the accounts of those involved from interviews and then the reader actually reading the story as it is happening.

So there is a legend about a girl named Lucy Gallow who disappeared in the woods one day. It has been passed down throughout the years and said that people have gone missing on the ROAD looking for Lucy. Sara's sister Becky was really into the story and doing research and then one day she disappears. Sara knows it has to do with Becky being in the woods and the story of Lucy and then her and her estranged friends get a text about meeting in the woods. Everyone wants to find answers so they all show up.

The Road in the woods has rules though, you must go in pairs, stay on the road or bad things can happen. It's hard to talk about this story without giving away things that could be spoilery. It's a ghost story, an obession story, a very confusing story. It could be one thing, but then maybe not. It's a story that you just have to follow to see what happens. It's about the love of sisters and what you would do to save the ones you love. 

I thought it was a very fast paced read even if it was confusing at times trying to figure out what exactly was going on at times. I didn't find myself attached to any of the characters which was good because then it didn't bother me when something happened to one but then I also didn't really care as much about who survives to root for them. Then the ending happened and I feel like the story went in a different way and I wasn't really keen on that way.

I think this is one that people will like more than I did and I also think some will not like it at all, so it's hard to really recommend. I think you just have to try it if you like it. :)


  1. I've been wondering about this since I just read an adult book by this author. It's so tough when books are confusing!

  2. Despite sounding a bit confusing, it does seem quite intriguing. I'd be curious to give it a shot someday. Great review and thanks for sharing! :D


Week in Review #112

  How was your week? What did you get? The Week in Review is where I combine Stacking the Shelves , The Sunday Post and It's Monday! ...