This is Stormi from Books, Movies, Reviews. Oh my! I downgraded blogs because I wasn't using the other one as much and didn't need the extra expense. Hope you all will join me here!

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Early Review of Death at a Scottish Wedding by Lucy Connolly

 I got this from Netgalley for a fair and honest review.

Something old, something new, something borrowed and someone’s blue…

Finally feeling like Sea Isle, Scotland is becoming her new home, American doctor Emilia McRoy is delighted when she is invited to a wedding at Morrigan's Castle. Her friends have warned her that it's a three-day party and it's bound to get wild, not to mention the impending snowstorm. Constable Ewan Campbell, owner of the castle, ensures their safety with the blizzard. What he didn’t ensure, is that all of his guests would survive the night alive. When Emilia explores the impressive castle, she finds a dead man in one of the turrets.

The snowstorm hits and the local police can’t reach the castle until it lets up. With no one able to leave, the family insists they carry on with the wedding, which makes Emilia's job as the coroner a bit easier—the suspects are in one place­––and complicated because the killer has Emilia in his sights. The fact no one claims to know the victim isn't helping. Why would someone no one knows be murdered at a castle in the middle of nowhere?

It’s up to Emilia to uncover the mystery who the victim is, so the killer doesn’t get away Scot free.

I read book one earlier this year and loved it! So I couldn't wait any longer to get to book two which comes out in January. Even though it wasn't as good as book one it was still very good. 

Emilia who is an American living in Scotland in a small seaside town, where she is the local doctor, has been making some good friends and one of them is getting married. Angie wants her good friends to be at all the functions as it seems the Scotts like to do a lot of celebrating leading up to the wedding.

They are having the wedding at a local castle that is owned by Ewan who is the Liard of the small town they live in and also the constable. The man that Angie is marrying comes from money and so Ewan will be there with some of his men for security which was a good thing because once they get to the castle things don't go so well. 

Emilia and Ewan find a dead body and it happens to be Angie;s ex who was also Damien's ex friend. That isn't the only problem as it's been snowing and snowing so they are snowed. Then Angie and Mara are not feeling well and because of what happened to the victim she is worried about them as they could have been poisoned too. Em who is not only the doctor but coroner doesn't have a lot of supplies and they are cut off from going anywhere. 

So everyone there is a suspect and Em is determined to find out whodunit even if it almost gets her killed in the process.

I really like Em, she is a fun character with lots of spunk. All the characters are great actually. I think what I missed from this one that was in the first one was the banter between Em and Ewan, there just wasn't as much in this one. 

I really enjoyed the mystery in this one as it was really hard to figure out who exactly done it as there were lots of good suspects. I had it narrowed down to who I thought it was and I was right but I couldn't figure out the motive.

So this is called a cozy mystery but I will say that for some it might not be as cozy as they would want. The main character gets injured pretty good in this one and that isn't even what happened at the end when she figures out who the bad person was and gets in trouble. I feel that for some people it might not feel cozy so giving you a heads up. It's cozy in the sense of a amateur sleuth, small town setting, etc., just a little more injuries. :) 

I can't wait for another one though so I highly recommend it! 

4.5 stars


  1. I would read this even if it isn't as cozy as you liked. I do love mysteries set in the snow😁

  2. I really enjoyed the first book in the series and am so looking forward to reading this one! Glad to see how much you enjoyed it!


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