This is Stormi from Books, Movies, Reviews. Oh my! I downgraded blogs because I wasn't using the other one as much and didn't need the extra expense. Hope you all will join me here!

Sunday, October 27, 2024

Week in Review #103

How was your week? What did you get? The Week in Review is where I combine Stacking the Shelves, The Sunday Post and It's Monday! What are you reading?  If you have never joined in on these meme's you can check them out by clicking on the meme and it will take you to the host blog.

How on earth is October almost over already!! Goodness this year as flown right on buy.

Last week I said my doctor was going to put me on an antiinflamatory med and I will say that my hip is feeling a lot better! It's nice to be able to walk around without it hurting as much as it was before the meds.

Continuing with watching older horror movies and since I read War of the Worlds, I watched the 1953 version which was fun. Then I watched Monster from the Ocean Floor. I also watched a movie called Scream from 1981, I didn't know there was a movie with that title so far back as I associate that with the slasher movies. This one didn't make much sense to me but it was kind of a slasher in a ghost town, but no clue who the killer was as it didn't show anyone at the end!

Hope everyone had a great week!

Books I have added

  • Courting the Country Preacher - Four novella stories of romance for preachers. Christian Romance.
  • The Rise and Fall of Miss Fannies Biscuits - Christian cozy Amish mystery. 

Books I Read

  • The Last Kids on Earth and the Cosmic Beyond - Book 4 in the series and a lot of fun. It's great to listen to while following along in the book for the fun illustrations. 
  • No-Brainer's Guide to Decomposition - This had some gross moments so won't be for everyone and I liked it even though the MC was a bit annoying because she has ADHD and I think the author was trying to do a decent job of depicting it, it could be annoying.
  • Bunnicula Strikes Again - Book 6 in the series and super cute! I loved this series as a kid so it's fun reading it again.
  • Something is Killing the Children Vol. 2 - Second volume in this graphic novel series about a monster that is killing kids and the girl trying to kill the monsters.
  • Specters in the Glass House - Dual timeline, Christian Fiction, Mystery and it was a good read. I am not a huge fan of dual timelines but I knew the author wrote that way so I was read for it. It did have a twist at the end I didn't see coming. :)

Currently Reading

  • Lenny Among Ghost - This is a fun story about a human boy at a school for ghost. I am about 64% into it.
  • The Panic Broadcast - Since I recently watch The War of the Worlds, I listened to the radio broadcast so that I could read this fun book I picked up all about what happened during that broadcast when a lot of people thought we really were being invaded by Martians. :) 
  • The Girl Who Cried Monster - Book 8 in the Goosebumps series and it's okay so far but just started the audiobook. 
How did your week go? Hope you had a great week!

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Week in Review #102

How was your week? What did you get? The Week in Review is where I combine Stacking the Shelves, The Sunday Post and It's Monday! What are you reading?  If you have never joined in on these meme's you can check them out by clicking on the meme and it will take you to the host blog.

Hi everyone, hope you had a great week. Mine wasn't the best just because the doctor thinks I have early osteoarthritsis in my hip. The x-ray showed nothing wrong and so he is figuring that is what it is and so I am on an antiimflamitory. I just hope it helps as my hip really hurts and it's hard to get comfortable. I haven't even hit 50 yet and I am falling apart. :( Enough about

I have been watching lots of horror movies but mostly just either creature/killer animal and most of them older as, I have tried some of the newer ones and they are so boring, I would rather watch older horror. I would rather see a anamtronic gator or shark over a CGI one that you hardly even see the movie. I watched a couple Lake Placid movies and a black and white ones, It Came From Beneath the Sea, I thought the claymation Octopus was pretty cool.

Happy reading!

Books I have added


Books I Read

  • The Creepening of Dogwood House - I think if you liked Root Magic by this author you will enjoy this one, I just thought it was an okay read. First part was a tad slow.
  • Escape From the Dungeon of Snerbville - This was cute and a bit silly, but then the whole series is and must be read in order. 
  • The Super Secret Octagon Valley Society  - This was good, it felt like what would happen if you took Willy Wonka and gave him a secret society and instead of picking kids by golden ticket, he gave them an exam with a super secret question. 
  • Something is Killing the Children - Graphic novel reread as I want to continue.
  • Incidents Around the House - I really wanted to like this but the end ruined it. 
  • Death Mask - Reread and loved it as well all know I
  • The War of the Worlds - I was a bit surprised that I actually enjoyed this one! I wasn't sure since it was science fiction and I wasn't a huge fan of his Island of Dr. Moreau. 
Currently Reading

  • Caught Dead - Okay so I liked book one and this one is okay but it just doesn't have my attention right now so I haven't read much on it. I think I am currently around 35% and really need to get it done. 
  • Lenny Among Ghosts - I put the other to the side for this one as it's an eyeball read too and I am enjoying this one so much more, it's just moving faster and has my attention. I am around 22% into it and just started it a couple days ago which is good for eyeball reading. :) 
  • The No-Brainer's Guide to Decompostion - This is the grossest kids book I have ever read!! So much talk about what happens to bodies after they die. It's set at the Body Farm if you know what that is then you know it's gross! Oh and zombies!
How did your week go? Hope you had a great week!

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Week in Review #101

How was your week? What did you get? The Week in Review is where I combine Stacking the Shelves, The Sunday Post and It's Monday! What are you reading?  If you have never joined in on these meme's you can check them out by clicking on the meme and it will take you to the host blog.

So this week went a lot smoother than the previous week. Got the car fixed and it seems to be doing pretty good so hopefully it stays that way for a bit. 

I didn't do a lot this week but read during my free time. Middle grade  and kids books make me feel like a fast 

Have a great week and happy reading!

Books I have added


Books I Read

I took a few hours one day and read some seasonal picture books and they were a lot of fun! 

  • The Skull - This one is popular but I didn't really get it. The artwork was great though a bit dreary.
  • Cyclops Witch and the Heebie Jeebies - This was a cute one about a witch who was scared of children and it had several different other creatures featured in it. I loved the artwork.
  • I Need My Monster Series - I am grouping the four together as they are a series. These were very cute and I loved the artwork. These stories are about a boy and his monster who lives under his bed. 
I read a lot this week, way more than I relized till I made this post. None of these books were very long and I listened to most of them. Middle grade books are easy to read but I still did great. I guess you can tell I have no 
  • Mummy Man and Waffles - I read this one and it had a lot of fun illustrations. This was just a lot of fun. Movie props that came to life, clown vampires, zombie squirrels, and of course the mummy. :) 
  • Nighty Nightmare/Return to Howliday Inn - I listened to a bind up of Bunnicula #4 and #5, I loved these books as a kid and it's been a lot of fun reading through them again. 
  • Wild Wave - Book Three in the Wilds series. I listened to this one and its a fun survival adventure book. It's short and is packed with action. Very unbelievable at times but fun. I have enjoyed this whole series.
  • The Halloween Tree - This was a very strange, short read. It's my first time reading it and I think I need to read it again next year just to make sure I got everything out of It was very strange.
  • Ghost in the Attic - This is the second book in a cute chapeter book series called Haunted Library. It's about Claire and her ghost friend who open a ghost detective agency.
  • Cursed Cruise - Second book in the Horror Hotel series and I wasn't a fan. It's a YA series and I wasn't a fan of book one but was hoping the second would be better and it wasn't.
  • Night of the Living Mummy - This is the third book in the House of Shivers series and it was fun, not sure how I feel about the ending but it was good. 
  • Surf's Up, Creepy Stuff - The third book in the chapter book series called Desmond Cole, Ghost Patrol. It was just as cute as the first two, great for spooky season.
  • Attack of the Forty-Foot Chicken - The second book in the Bonker! series and it was cute but left me hanging so I will be reading the third book soon. Hoping to get the audiobook but if not I will read it as they are quick.

Currently Reading

  • Caught Dead - I haven't been working on this one like I should, so hopefully this week I will get more into it. I think I am around 16% into it. This is on ebook.
  • The Kolchak Papers - This is a bind up of the two original Kolchak books. I never knew it there were books before the show! Almost finished with this audiobook.
  • The Creepening of Dogwood House - Just starting this audiobook.
How did your week go? Hope you had a great week!

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Week in Review #100

How was your week? What did you get? The Week in Review is where I combine Stacking the Shelves, The Sunday Post and It's Monday! What are you reading?  If you have never joined in on these meme's you can check them out by clicking on the meme and it will take you to the host blog.

I can't believe it's October!! Though this does me I am once again hosting Hallowtween on my youtube channel. So you will see a lot of fun middle grade books on my reading and read list, though lets get real I read middle grade all the This year I have a merch shop attached to my youtube channel so thought I would let you know in case you want to check it out. Here are some of my fun shirts.

If you wondering what Hallowtween is it's a readathon that I created to read spooky and/or non spooky seasonal middle grade and I even read some picture books. You can see my potential tbr as I really stick to one but I do want to read all of these. :) 

Watching a lot of spooky or fun seasonal movies too. Mostly older movies like THEM!, EARTH VS. SPIDER, THE DAY OF THE TRIFID. :) My fun movie was MOM'S GOT A DATE WITH A VAMPIRE, I haven't seen that one in a long time! 

So we had to put out car back in the shop again and buy two tires, so that hurt the wallet a bit. It sounds a lot better so I am hoping this is the last thing for a while! We need to use out extra money for gathering up wood for the winter. It's the one big thing I hate about living in the country with a wood stove for heat. I am getting to old for gathering wood in the cold. UGH. 

So it's been one busy week here and I hope this coming week is a bit slower. I did get a lot of fun books and movies watched in my spare time but I do prefer the slower weeks. :) 

Have a great week and happy reading!

What you might have missed on my blog

Review of When Darkness Falls

Books I have added

  • Specters in the Glass House - Excited to get this one even if they gave it to me right on it's release date.  This is a Christian fiction book, with two timelines, one historical and one present day. Her books are ususally a bit mystery/suspsense with a spooky kind of vibe. I have been wanting to try her for a while now so hope I can fit this in soon! 
Books I Read

  • Curse of the Reaper - So I thought this was going to be a slasher, don't compare to Scream and it not be a slasher book. It's more of a psychological thriller with a bit of horror at the end. I was not impressed. 
  • The School for Wicked Witches - New series. This was a cute book set in the Ozverse with some fun nods to things like the yellow brick road, etc. The main character is a witch from the west. 
  • The Terror in Jenny's Armpit - New series. This was fun and slightly silly but I think middle graders will love it. I may have the second book on my tbr for this month now. 
  • Everybunny Loves Magic - The last book in a trilogy and I am glad to get this finished. I think the concept of this trilogy was cute but the MC could be a bit annoying and self absorbed at times.
  • The Ghost of Nameless Island - This was a fun spooky middle grade book and one real complain was how it just seemed to drop off at the end with a bit of a cliffy and I didn't know it was going to be a series. 
  • Stinetinglers - This was okay, its a set of short stories from R.L. Stine and just like some of his books some were fun and some left me scratching my head going I don't do well with short 

Currently Reading

  • The Monstrous Adventures of Mummy Man and Waffles - This is cute. I am a little over 50% into it. 
  • Caught Dead - I am enjoying this one but it's going slow as I read slow and sometimes prioritize audiobooks. I am about 18% into this one. 
  • Cursed Cruise - I wasn't a huge fan of the first one and this one is not much better. I was hoping it would be but I am very hit or miss with YA horror. With this one there are just some things in it that I am not a fan of that lessens my enjoyment. I am almost finished with this audiobook. If there is a third one I am not sure I will try it. 
How did your week go? Hope you had a great week!

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Two Bloggers One Series ~ When Darkness Falls (Alliance Vampires #2)


I got Barb into this series and it just so happened to work for Vamptember so that was great. After you see what I thought head on over Booker T's Farm to see what Barb thought.

In a windswept Scottish cemetery, Jade MacGregor's carefree vacation abroad is marred by a seemingly random tragedy. A year later, back home on a shadowy French Quarter street, she glimpses an oddly familiar face. Coincidence--or something far more disturbing?
Surrounded by her friends and engrossed in her work, Jade should feel secure. But somebody is dogging her every move. Somebody who knows what she saw on that long ago afternoon. Somebody who will try to rescue her from the evil that is waiting to destroy her.

In this one we get a new female main character but the vampire love interest was from the first book. I will admit I wasn't always a fan of Lucian but I was interested in his story and I really liked him in this book.

We are introduced to both characters when Jade goes on a cemetery tour in Scotland that gets very scary and dangerous and she is saved by Lucian. Then we go to present day and we are back in New Orleans and Jade has been having dreams of the man from before and trying to get over the tragic thing that happened previously. 

Jade has a nice male friend that she wants to have a relationship but she keeps hesitating because of feelings for a man she doesn't even know at least not yet. Then there are some murders happening and Jade finds out that its some of the others from that night in the cemetery and is worried that someone might be after her. 

Then Lucian comes to town because he is tracking the vampires and also is worried that Jade is in danger. The two MC's from the previous book come into play in this one too as they are worried about Jade and Lucian and everything. The two bad vampires are very wicked and some things happen to a couple of Jades friends, not going to say what. 

I liked this one but I did think there were some things that made me roll my eyes a bit. The female main character does some very dumb things even after she finds out vampires are real! She knows that they have killed these other people and yet she puts herself in harms way by being stupid. Something with the guy that she was almost in a relationship with had something happen that I can't say but it just seemed a bit unrealistic (yes I know I am talking about a vampire romance Just go with it)

I am curious about the next one and hope we still get to have some of the characters from this book in it like we did with those from book one being in this one. 

3.75 stars (4 stars on Goodreads)

Week in Review #112

  How was your week? What did you get? The Week in Review is where I combine Stacking the Shelves , The Sunday Post and It's Monday! ...