This is Stormi from Books, Movies, Reviews. Oh my! I downgraded blogs because I wasn't using the other one as much and didn't need the extra expense. Hope you all will join me here!

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Week in Review #76 ~ Happy Easter!

How was your week? What did you get?The Week in Review is where I combine Stacking the Shelves, The Sunday Post and It's Monday! What are you reading?  If you have never joined in on these meme's you can check them out by clicking on the meme and it will take you to the host blog.

I can't believe that March is almost over! Happy Easter to those who are celibrating!

The weather here has been a bit up and down but for the most part not to bad. I do feel bad for anyone still getting cold and snow because blah. I am reading for full on warm weather!!!

Have a great week and happy reading!

What you might have missed on my blog

Review of The Unseen 

Books I have added

  • Death at a Scottish Christmas - 3rd book in what is fast becoming a favorite series so I have high hopes for this one!
  • The Hitchcock Hotel - A Hitchcock fanatic with an agenda invites old friends for a weekend stay at his secluded themed hotel. This just sounds fun! 
  • If Something Happens To Me - I have had good luck with liking this authors thrillers so I am hoping the new one will be good too!
  • The No Brainer's Guide to Decomposition - The MC's father works at  Central Texas Forensic Anthropology Research Facility with a Body Farm and Zombies start coming up from the corpses. 
  • The Neighbors' Secret - This just looks like a cute middle grade mystery. 

Books read last week

So I missed last week. I will be putting two weeks worth of reading which actually wasn't that much!

  • The Thin Man - This book was a lot of fun! I was worried because I didn't like The Maltese Falcon by this author but this was so totally different. 
  • Peril at End House - 8th book in the Hecule Poirot series and enjoyable.
  • Lord Edgware Dies - 9th book in the Hecule Poirot series and I liked it but reading these two sort of back to back I noticed they had the same sort of ending which was weird.
  • The Unseen - I love this series and this one was really good.
  • Murder on Trinity Place - 22nd book in the Gaslight series, I love this series! 

Currently reading

 Been in a bit of a funk the last few weeks of March so not reading much.

  • Some of us Are Looking - 2nd book in the County Kerry Mysteries and a bit gruesome but I am liking it. 

What might be up next

In April I am participating in Old School April (Booktube event) so I will be reading and watching a lot of nostalgic and retro books! Loving all this old school book reading I have been doing.

Monday, March 25, 2024

Two Bloggers One Series ~ Unseen by Heather Graham (Krewe of Hunters #5)

 I was excited to get back into a Krewe of Hunters book! I love this series and even the second go around has been fun. I have several to go before I am caught up to where I haven't read the book. After seeing what I thought go check out Barbs thoughts at Booker T's Farm. 

1800s. San Antonio, Texas
: In room 207 at the Longhorn Saloon, in the long shadow of the Alamo itself, a woman renowned for her beauty was brutally murdered. Her killer was never found.

One year ago: In that same historic room, another woman vanished without a trace. Her blood was everywhere…but her body was never recovered.

Now: In the last month, San Antonio has become a dumping ground for battered bodies.

All young women, many of them long missing, almost all forgotten. Until now.

Texas Ranger Logan Raintree cannot sit by and let his city's most vulnerable citizens be slain. So when he is approached to lead a brand-new group of elite paranormal investigators working the case, he has no choice but to accept the challenge. And with it, his powerful ability to commune with the dead.

Among Logan's new team is Kelsey O'Brien, a U.S. marshal known for her razor-sharp intuition and a toughness that belies her delicate exterior. Kelsey has been waiting all her life to work with someone who can understand her ability to "see" the past unfolding in the present. Now she has her chance.

Together, Kelsey and Logan follow their instincts to the Alamo and to the newly reopened Longhorn, which once tempted heroes with drink, cards and women. If the spirits of those long-dead Texans are really appearing to the victims before their deaths, only Kelsey and Logan have the skills to find out why.

And if something more earthly is menacing the city's oldest, darkest corners, only they can stop it—before more innocent women join the company of San Antonio's restless ghosts….

Unseen takes place in Texas near the Alamo. In the historical part of the story there is a story about a girl back during the days of the Alamo and a large diamond and a horrible man who wanted it. 

In present day there is a lady who runs the Longhorn Inn, she has worked hard on restoring it but there are a lot of baggage that comes with the place, a woman was murdered there right when she started to reopen it and now it seems to be a bit haunted. Kelsey is hte ladies friend and she is also a U.S. Marshall who is also beening looked at for a new possition with the Krewe of Hunters. 

She is not the only one being looked at for the Krewe. Texas Ranger Logan Raintree is meeting with Jackson (leader of Krewe) because he is wanting to start a new branch there in Texas and wants Logan to head it up. 

When some bad things start happening Logan and Kelsey team up to figure out what is going on while they decide if they want to join Krewe. 

I always like the historical aspects of a Krewe of Hunters book, love how the author takes a piece of history and has it come into play in the present day. Love how the ghost of the past help the Krewe figure things out. I love Logan Raintree he is one of my favorite Krewe members and Kelsey is pretty cool too. 

They are formulaic but nice comfy reads, fluff when you need it!

5 stars

Sunday, March 17, 2024

Week in Review #75

The Week in Review is where I combine Stacking the Shelves, The Sunday Post and It's Monday! What are you reading?  If you have never joined in on these meme's you can check them out by clicking on the meme and it will take you to the host blog.

Spring is in the air but not hear yet as tomorrow the night time temp will be 27! I am enjoying having more light at night. 

So I think I have hit a funk or slump or something but my reading last week and this week has been kind of blah. I was reading or listening but nothing was sticking so I watched a lot of booktube and I watched a few movies more than normal. I did finish some books but not the ones I was working 

Here are the movies I watched. Two killer insect movies, Marabunta about soldier ants from South America eating people! Then I watched They Nest about Then I watched two classics, The Pajama Game staring Doras Day and Talk of the Town staring Cary Grant. 

Hope everyone has a great week filled with lots of reading!

Books I have added


Books read last week

  • A Royal Conudrum - First in The Misfits series and it was a lot of fun. When in a slump read middle grade! :)
  • Ungifted - First in what looks like a duology and my first book by Gordon Korman. I was told he was good and I should try him and they were right. I had fun with this one.
  • Murder at an Irish Castle - Only book mentioned last week that I I enjoyed this one though there is a very annoying character, I am hoping she will be better in book two!

Currently reading

Remember I said I was slumping, this is what happens when that is going
  • Nine Coaches Waiting - Everyone has told me this is a good one. I am still wanting to read retro books so I picked it up. Only one chapter into the paperback.
  • Best Detective Stories of the Year - I am enjoying old mysteries and picked this up at an outside bin that has free books at my used bookstore. It's a bunch of short stories by a lot of people I have never heard off. I am only one the first story.
  • Lost and Gone Forever - I really want to finish this one as it's the last in a series but I haven't picked it up in a while so still only about a chapter into it.
  • The Unseen - I am buddy reading this with Barb and it's a reread for me and I am enjoying it.
  • Fowl Play - I didn't touch this one last week.
  • The Black Ice - I didn't read much on this one so still only around 20% into the ebook.
  • Postmortem - I actually have to start this one over because I was 40% into and realized I had no clue what it was about. It just wasn't sticking.
  • The Thin Man - Out of all of these this will be the one I finish first. I am really enjoying it. It's a lot of fun and makes me laugh! I love Nick and Nora Charles! 61% into it the audiobook and following along with the ebook.

What might be up next

 Not a clue since I am reading so much right now. Just hoping to be done slumping!

How was your week? What did you get?

Sunday, March 10, 2024

Week in Review #74

The Week in Review is where I combine Stacking the Shelves, The Sunday Post and It's Monday! What are you reading?  If you have never joined in on these meme's you can check them out by clicking on the meme and it will take you to the host blog.

It might be just me but I felt like the first part of March has just flown by! How can it already be the Tenth! Though I am never a fan of springing forward (wish they would just leave it forward) I do love the longer nights as now I can be outside longer!!! *Party face* 
It's been raining a good bit so this coming week I will probably be out picking up the yard because Rascal the destroyer of everything has made a mess of my yard! (Literally looks like a tornado hit the outside!) Ugh.  I can't wait for the puppy faze to go! 
Read a couple of crime noir books and then watched the movies that was fun!
Have a great week and happy reading!

Books I have added


Books read last week

  • The Big Sleep - The First Philip Marlowe book and I actually enjoyed it. It was a very complex crime novel. I will be trying book two. 
  • Double Indemnity - This one wasn't to bad, I enjoyed it more than The Postman Always Rings Twice and will try more from this author.
  • Once Upon a Murder - I enjoyed book one in this series more. I am questioning the authors choice of plot points in this one that I just wasn't interested in. 
  • The Black Hand - It's been a while since I read a book from this series and I could tell as it took me a while to get into it but I do like it and the characters so overall I enjoyed it and now I need to not let so much time go in between reads.

Put down for now:
  • Spy Ring - This is a soft DNF or more of a putting it down for now as it's an eARC for June or July and I just wasn't in the mood. It was okay but just not for right now.

Currently reading

  • Postmortem - I have started this one but it's a lot different than I imagined. I only have the audiobook but kind of wish I could get the ebook two but go figure someone else is reading this older book too!
  • The Black Ice - Can't get an audiobook for this one so reading the ebook and wishing I had an I am liking it fine but I listened to the first book so would have liked to have the audiobook but oh well.
  • Murder at the Irish Castle - I just started this on Saturday night and I am really enjoying the audiobook as I sit here writing this up. :) I have high hopes for this one.
  • Fowl Play - I just started this ebook on Saturday as well and I am 10% into it and liking it so far.

What might be up next

 Not sure but it will probably be mysteries. :)

How was your week? What did you get?

Sunday, March 3, 2024

Week in Review #73

The Week in Review is where I combine Stacking the Shelves, The Sunday Post and It's Monday! What are you reading?  If you have never joined in on these meme's you can check them out by clicking on the meme and it will take you to the host blog.

My life is boring and I really don't have a lot to talk about. I did go thrift book shoping a couple of times and might have gotten a lot of books. :) Retro romances and old mysteries mostly.

I used my left over hoopla borrows to watch Discovery of Witches series again for the well I don't know but I have watched it a

Have a great week and happy reading!

What you might have missed on my blog

Review of Fatal First Edition

Books I have added


Books read last week

  • Goblin Court - Wasn't as good as her first book but it was okay.
  • When He Was Wicked - This is the sixth book in the Bridgerton series and very good.
  • Fatal First Edition - I really enjoyed this one, you can check out my review with the link above. :)

Currently reading

  • The Black Ice - It's the second book book in the Harry Bosch series and just one chapter in but so far it's okay.
  • Once Upon a Murder - The second book in the Lady Librarian series and I am questioning the authors choice in talking a lot about female monthly problems. Ick. I don't want to read about it and in a historical setting it's just even more gross. So not enjoying it as much as I hoped. 67% into the audiobook.
  • Spy Ring - Middle Grade spy book and so far it's fun. I am about 20% in.

What might be up next

  • Postmortem - First Kay Scarpetta book.
  • The Big Sleep - A crime Noir book.

How was your week? What did you get?

Week in Review #112

  How was your week? What did you get? The Week in Review is where I combine Stacking the Shelves , The Sunday Post and It's Monday! ...