This is Stormi from Books, Movies, Reviews. Oh my! I downgraded blogs because I wasn't using the other one as much and didn't need the extra expense. Hope you all will join me here!

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Week in Review #97

How was your week? What did you get? The Week in Review is where I combine Stacking the Shelves, The Sunday Post and It's Monday! What are you reading?  If you have never joined in on these meme's you can check them out by clicking on the meme and it will take you to the host blog.

I seriously lead a boring life as I can't think of one thing that is really worthy of chatting about on here. I am pretty antisocial so I don't really go anywhere or do much besides going with my father a couple times a week to coffee at Hardees. I think I could be a hermit if I could. :)

Have a great week and happy reading!

What you might have missed on my blog

Review of Spy Ring

Books I have added

  • Murder in the Scottish Highlands - First in a cozy mystery series set in Scotland with a newly retired MC who opens a guesthouse.
Books I Read

  • Serwa Boateng's Guide to Vampire Hunting - Had potential to be really good but got bogged down in being a bit to preachy about social issues and then I just wasn't a fan of how it ended, was very dark for middle grade to me. Not sure if I will continue the series. 
  • The Chosen One - The last book in the Revenge of Magic series and I really enjoyed this fun fantasy series for kids and glad that I finally read the last book to finish it up. 
  • Summer Vamp - This was cute but not exactly what I thought it was going to be. She looks so scared at being at a vampire camp but there was no scary parts in it (even MG level scary), so basically just a summer camp story of finding friends. 
  • Vampiric Vacation - So I wasn't a huge fan of book one but after reading book two I think it was because I felt very confused with book one and some of that confusion was fixed in this one so I enjoyed it more even though I don't think this will be a series high on my list.
  • Secrets - I really liked book one but this one sort of fell flat. There wasn't much of a mystery, it was mostly about the MC and whether or not the Marshall really liked her and if there relationship was going to go farther than friendship, felt a bit juvenile. I feel that the cover of this book and the blurb is a bit misleading. 

Currently Reading

  • My Vampire Vs. Your Werewolf - Not as good as I was hoping but it's okay. 
  • Assignment in Brittany - I had to start this one over and get the ebook to follow along with the audiobook as I kept getting lost in what was going on. So not any farther in this one.
  • Witch Slapped - Just started this one yesterday but so far it's not bad.

How did your week go? Hope you had a great week!

Monday, September 9, 2024

Review of Spy Ring

 I am trying to catch up on some of my review books that I am behind on and this is one of them. So I got this from Edelweiss for a fair and honest review.

About the Book:

Two modern-day kids discover the truth about an American Revolutionary War–era female spy through a treasure-hunt adventure in their hometown of Setauket, New York.

With codewords and secret signals perfected, best friends Rachel and Joon are ready to spend their summer practicing spycraft—especially if they can uncover secrets like the one Joon’s parents have been keeping, that his family is about to move out of town.

When eavesdropping leads them to a ring rumored to have belonged to Anna “Nancy” Smith Strong—according to local Long Island legend, the only female member of George Washington’s famed Culper Spy Ring—they think they’ve hit the jackpot. Then they discover Nancy left a coded message in the ring!

Decoding her message leads to another cryptic clue, and then another, and soon Rachel and Joon are racing to decipher a series of puzzles that must surely lead to hidden treasure! But can they solve the final mystery before Joon’s moving day? And just what did the centuries-old spy hide away—and why?

What I thought:

I am a little hit or miss with this author but when I seen she had a middle grade book I grabbed it up. Then I sat on it instead of reading it which was dumb as it was really good. 

Rachel and Joon have been friends since they first started school. They have played at being pirates and now that they are a little older they have decided to be spies. Rachel wants to distract Joon from thoughts of maybe having to move, so they spy on her mother and soon to be stepdad. Finds out he has a ring he wants to give Rachel that belonged to a relative of long ago who was said to be a spy.

Rachel and Joon know who this is because they have learned all about Anne Strong the female spy of the Culpepper spies that were said to be with George Washington. Cleaning up the ring shows them a engraving that leads them on a sort of treasure hunt. 

The author weaves in historical facts with a fun treasure hunt and it's a great story about this female spy that not many know about. It's also a great story of friendship and accepting new people into your life (soon to be stepdad). 

If you like middle grade mysteries or have kids that do I think this would be a great one to try. 

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Week in Review #96

How was your week? What did you get? The Week in Review is where I combine Stacking the Shelves, The Sunday Post and It's Monday! What are you reading?  If you have never joined in on these meme's you can check them out by clicking on the meme and it will take you to the host blog.

Well the temps were a bit cooler this week which during the day was nice but we have some nights dipping into the 40s and I am not ready for that...that is not right! Especially since it's still Summer! Our summer has been pretty decent this year which makes me worry a bit about the colder months so I am so not ready for this. I am holding on to  Summer as tight as I can! :) 

I didn't do a whole lot worth chatting about. I did go to some thrift stores with friends and picked up some vintage books for my collection. I didn't take a pic of them to show off as there was a

Have a great week and happy reading!

Books I have added

Nothing for review.

Books I Read

Had a Middle Grade reading
  • Summer Vamp - This was a cute little graphic novel. I was a bit mislead as I thought it would be a little spooky as she looks afraid on the 
  • Moon Madness - The second book in the Camp Sylvania series and it was okay but I liked book one more. 
  • Ravenfall - This was a reread as I want to continue the series and my brain was a bit fuzzy on the details. I really liked it and hope to get to book two sometimes this month.
  • Trapped in the Horror Dome - This was a tiny bit spooky or I think some might think it was because of the monster and the fact they are running out of oxygen. It's probably my favorite in the Monsterous series. If you like Goosebumps you would like this series.
  • Spy Ring - A good mystery about two kids looking into a ring that is suppose to be from a female spy in one of the kids soon to be stepdads family. Blends some history with fiction and then at the end the authors note goes a bit into a little to much detail about the actual historical facts. Story end at about 88%  and the rest was authors note. Still it was good.
  • Theodora Hendrix and the Curious Case of the Cursed Beetle - The second book in the Theodora Hendrix series and it was super cute with some really fun graphics. 

Currently Reading

  • My Vampire Vs. Your Werewolf - Not sure about this one as it's suppose to be middle grade but feels a little adult or the kids are acting more adult that kid. First in a new series.
  • Assignment in Brittany - My third spy book from this author. It's okay but I will admit to feeling a bit lost.
  • The Hitchcock Hotel - Not liking this one like I hoped. I feel like some I know will like this more than me. I am giving it till 30% and if I still don't care I am bailing. I don't care if it was a review book if I don't like it I am not torturing myself.

How did your week go? Hope you had a great week!

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

My TBR for Vamptember


So I am co-hosting Vamptember with Barb from Booker T's Farm and though I did do a September TBR on my booktube channel, Storm Reads, I never put anything here. So here are the books I hope to get to for this reading challenge. 

  • My Vampire Vs. Your Werewolf - Middle grade book about kids controlling various monsters in epic battles. Buddy read with Barb.
  • Serwa Boateng's Guide to Vampire Slaying - Ghanaian folklore about Adze, shapeshifting vampires and Serwa is going ot have to kick some booty. :) 
  • Summer Vamp - This is a graphic novel about a human girl who accidently gets sent to a vampire camp.
  • Bless Your Heart - Group of women in a family have to fight vampires in the south. 
  • When Darkness Falls - The second book in the Alliance Vampire series. Paranormal romance/mystery. Buddy read with Barb.
Hope I enjoy these and I am a mood reader so there could be add ons or I could change out 

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Week in Review #95

How was your week? What did you get?The Week in Review is where I combine Stacking the Shelves, The Sunday Post and It's Monday! What are you reading?  If you have never joined in on these meme's you can check them out by clicking on the meme and it will take you to the host blog.

You might have noticed but I have revamped my header and working on getting all my graphics to match. I really like this and I made it with AI in Canva as I am not that

I can't believe it's the first day of September! Where did August go? I am holding on to summer though I know a lot of you are looking forward to fall. Don't get me wrong I don't mind fall but I hate what comes after it so I am not ready for that yet so I am holding on to Summer as it's not officially over yet even though a lot of people think as soon as it's Sept. it's fall, but it's :)

Did you know there is a MeTV Toons? It's great! I have been just watching all sorts of old cartoons, the good cartoons! :)

Okay, I don't have anything else to say. Have a great day and happy reading!

What you might have missed on my blog

Review of Grave Peril
Review of The Black Bird Oracle

Books I have added


Books I Read

  • Adventures in Babysitting - This was short (140 pages) and a lot of fun. I watched the movie after I read it and it was really close to the movie with just a few changes. 
  • Hard Riding Posse - This was the perfect Garbaugust book and it was so cheesy!! It was fun too but I don't need to read any others books in this was
  • Grave Peril - Loving my reread of this series! 
  • Theodora Hendrix and the Monstrous League of Monsters - This was so cute!
  • Homicide at the Haunted House - This was a decent start to a series and very paranormal so if that is something you don't like you might not like it but if you do I say try it! :) 
  • Nightmare in the Backyard - This was just okay. I an not a huge fan of close circle anything and being trapped for most of the book in a treehouse is kind of boring and then the ending was just a bit over the top. 

Currently Reading

  • The Hitchcock Hotel - A guy has a hotel that is all things Hitchcock and he invites some old film student friends for the weekend, because every Hitchcock movie needs a body! I haven't gotten far but I hope it's good.
  • Moon Madness - The second book in the Camp Sylvania series. Summer camp with a werewolf!! 

What Might Be Up Next

  • The Chosen One - The last book in the Revenge of Magic series, so I would like to finally knock it off my series list.
  • Witch Slapped - Book three in the Beechwood Harbor Magic Mystery series. 
How was your week? Hope it was a good one!

Week in Review #97

How was your week? What did you get? The Week in Review is where I combine Stacking the Shelves , The Sunday Post and It's Monday! Wh...